Anirudh Krishna in ‘The Broken Ladder’ presents a ground-up view of India’s development strategies by delving into common people’s lives. He also ponders on questions like despite being an economic force why are so many Indians living under the poverty line. Through stories of individuals, Krishna reveals the heartbreaking and eye-opening details of missed opportunities and untapped talent that India houses.
Here are a few stories that show the inequality of opportunities in the country:
Children who grow up in poor neighbourhoods suffer from an acute lack of knowledge about the range of career pathways.
With a rare few exceptions, people growing up in villages have not made it big in terms of professional achievements.
In India, for many people like Keshu, the ladders leading upward are broken.
Jaitram and Gopal lead a harsher lifestyle in comparison to their family members who live in the city.
Due to lack of good institutions many students feel that their aim in unassailable.
Growth in the country has not been directly and proportionately experienced by every individual. Tell us how can India better improve the prospects for people like Keshu while simultaneously growing its globally-influential economy?