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Stories from Storywallah

Storywallah is a collection of short stories written by a handpicked group of writers. This book deals with life in provincial India at a crossroad with modernity. These stories expose readers to the common yet unique life in India at a deeper perspective. It makes us value the land we are born in, relationships we share with people and ordinary objects of everyday life, which become the  pathway of creating new friendships.
Let’s take a look at some of the short stories in the book!

  • The short story, Home, deals with a son’s realization of how much his father and bua loved him. Even though years have passed, he misses his home country in a foreign land. However, due to the love his own sons have given him, he finds the courage to fulfil the deepest desire of his heart – to reunite with his family.

  • The Muffler is a story which symbolizes how relationships can be formed through the smallest of things, like lending a muffler to a stranger on a cold snowy day. It deals with gut feelings and instincts and not questioning instances in life. The aspect of living in the present and let the future remain is a mystery is the crux of it.


  • The Evening Tea is a short story which deals with perceptions about relationships, especially the one between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law in the Indian household. When an individual tries to understand the reasons behind the actions of the other person, their judgement towards them becomes fair. All the anger and hatred is instead replaced by love and empathy.


  • Ayesha is a story about a father whose daughter was kidnapped in Dalhousie. For six years, he searched for her everywhere. Even when his wife lost faith in finding her, he never gave up. One day, he found the first link to his daughter. Slowly, the hope of finding his daughter turned brighter. It is truly said that where there’s a will there’s a way.


  • A Bird in Flight is a story about an old man who chose to leave his village life in order to become a part of the city life. Years later, his son wants to sell his ancestral home in the village. However the thought of selling a paramount part of his life breaks him. This story deals with the a man’s affinity to the land he was born in , to go back to his roots and the memories of the happiest time of his life- his childhood.


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