Books have become our closest companions and sources of comfort (and often, refuge from the world) in these times. However, readers around the country have been affected by the closure of bookstores.
We are happy to see that some of our book stores are back, within the required social distancing norms of course.
As we collectively follow the developments, we thought to compile a list of returning bookshops to help further with your quarantine reading. We would strongly suggest getting in touch with the bookstores for more up-to-date information on their pickup/delivery processes, given the dynamic situation.
A Note Before You Scroll Further
Since times are still uncertain and safety is paramount, we would request all our readers to continue following strict social distancing measures, whether you are going to the bookstores or getting deliveries. Avoid human contact as much as possible. Have all your details handy to ensure a faster process.
If you are going to the store, wear a mask and preferably carry a sanitizer with you. If you are getting a delivery – consider asking the delivery staff to put the package on your doorstep and stepping back while you pick it up. Try to make contactless payments as much as possible. Also do consider offering to sanitize their hands.
As storytellers and publishers, we would like to send out an earnest request to support these bookstores wherever and however you can.
As aversive as we need to be to physical contact these days, do ensure that you are not being dismissive towards staff and/or customers. There is also a fair chance of limitations and constraints for many of these bookshops, depending on circumstances and staff availability; we would urge everyone to be accommodating of those. Above all – a smile and a thank you are still very much needed in this world!
Midland Book Shop, (Hauz Khas and South Extension)
1100 AM to 630 PM (Hauz Khas) | Home Delivery/Visit | 9818282497 | midlandbookshop@gmail.com |
1100 AM to 630 PM (South Extension) | Home Delivery/Visit | 011-24653881 | midlandbook@yahoo.com |
Faqir Chand & Sons, Khan Market
1000 AM to 630 PM | Pickup | 011-24618810 | faqirchandandson@gmail.com |
Amrit Book Company, Connaught Place
1000 AM to 600 PM | Visits only | 011-23317331 | · amritbookco@hotmail.com |
Bahrison Booksellers (Saket and Khan Market)
1030 AM to 500 PM (Khan Market) | Home Delivery/Visit | 9968457200 | bahrisons@outlook.com |
1030 AM to 500 PM(Bahrisons Kids) | Home Delivery/Visit | 011-24694611 | bahrisons@outlook.com |
930 AM to 500 PM (Saket) | Home Delivery/Visit | 8860301939 | bahripurchase@gmail.com |
Oxford Bookstores, Connaught Place
1000 AM to 600 PM | Visit | 011-49192092 | oxforddel@apeejaygroup.com |
The Bookshop, Jor Bagh
1100 AM to 500 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 011-24697102 | thebookshop@hotmail.com |
Teksons Book Shop, South Extension
1100 AM to 500 PM | Visit | 7838592282 | teksons@teksons.com |
Vandana Book Shop, Hauz Khas
1000 AM to 630 PM | Visit | 011-26514975 | vandanabookshop@gmail.com |
Jain Book Depot, Connaught Place
1000 AM to 600 PM | Visit | 8929107101 | sales@jainbookdepot.com |
Jain Book Agency, Connaught Place
1000 AM to 600 PM | Visit | 011-44556677 | sales@jainbookagency.com |
Bahrisons Booksellers, Galleria
1000 AM to 400 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 7678609336 | bahrisonsgurgaon@gmail.com |
KoolSkool, Qutub Plaza
1000 AM to 600 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9899710452 | amit@koolskool.co.in |
New Midland Bookshop, Gurugram
1100 AM to 630 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9310523999 | newmidlandbookshop@hotmail.com |
Anamika Trading Co., Panchkula
1030 AM to 500 PM | Visit | 0172-2579143 |
Granth The Book, Kolhapur
10:00 AM To 05:00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 8975766682 |
Mehta Book Shop, Kolhapur
10:00 AM To 05:00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9823015319 |
Title Waves, Bandra
10:00 AM To 03:00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 8369039934 | trushant@titlewaves.in |
Happy Book Stall, Bandra
10:00 AM To 02:00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9820812338 | krjworldofbook@gmail.com |
Kitab Khana, Fort
11:00 TO TO 5: 00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 8879540538 | jagat@somaiya.com |
Granth The Book Shop, Juhu
11:00 T0 6:00Vi | Visit | 022-26609327 | info.juhu@granth.com |
Venus Book Centre, Nagpur
11:00 AM To 03:00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 7773952341 |
City Book Shop, Nagpur
11:00 AM To 03:00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9422825447 | citybook12@gmail.com |
Western Book Depot, Nagpur
11:00 AM To 03:00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9823162383 |
Grand Book Bazaar, Nashik
11:00 AM To 03:00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9890083155 |
Crossword, Aundh
11:00 AM To 06:00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9767024101 | crosswordaundh@yahoo.co.in |
Solanki Book Seller, Pune
11:00 AM To 06:00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9422515882 | solankibooksellers@gmail.com |
Rohit Enterprises, Pune
11:00 AM To 05:30 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9822026389 | rohitexpress@yahoo.com |
Pagdandi, Baner
11:00 AM To 05:30 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9890992470 | contactus@pagdandi.org |
Book Lovers Retreat, Amritsar
1000 AM to 600 PM | Visit | 0183-2545666 |
Books Punch, Amritsar
1000 AM to 600 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9878648612 | jsk.publishers@gmail.com |
Capital Book Depot, Chandigarh
1030 AM to 600 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 0172-2702260 | capitalbookdepot@gmail.com |
English Book Shop, Chandigarh
1100 AM to 630 PM | Visit | 0172-2702542 | rajivebs@hotmail.com |
The Browser, Chandigarh
10:00AM to 6:00PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9878799100 | service@thebrowser.org |
Omsul, Chandigarh
1000 AM to 600 PM | Visit | 7889175846 | omsulpublishers@gmail.com |
Pal Book Depot, Ludhiana
1100 AM to 400 PM | Visit | 9814178314 0161-4067691 | palbookldh@gmail.com |
Reader Paradise, Patiala
830 AM to 630 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9780137487 | readersparadise.ptl@gmail.com |
Himanshu Book Company, Ahmedabad
10:00 AM To 5:00 PM | Visit | 079-26579685 | orders@himanshubook.com |
Crossword Book Store, Mithakali
10:00 AM To 5:00 PM | Visit | 079-26468031 | gaurav.shah.1964@gmail.com |
Astha Books, Ahmedabad
10:00 AM To 5:00 PM | Visit | 079-40056914 | asthabookagency@yahoo.com |
Book India, Ahmedabad
10:00 AM To 5:00 PM | Visit | 9824016112 | bookind@gmail.com |
Toycra, Ahmedabad
10:00 AM To 04:00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 096389 93429 | tan.shah8@gmail.com |
Alpha Book Shop, Ahmedabad
10:00 AM To 4:00 PM | Visit | 9898400431 | alphabookcoahmedabad@gmail.com |
Natraj Book Shop, Ahmedabad
10:00 AM To 4:00 PM | Visit | 079-26587930 | natraj1963@gmail.com |
Hasu Traders, Ahmedabad
11:00 AM To 4:00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 079-26587104 | hasutraders01@gmail.com |
Book Plaza, Ahmedabad
08:30 AM To 02:30 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 079-26430386 | mail@bookplazaindia.com |
Sanskar Books, Ahmedabad
09:30 AM To 04:00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9152154760 | sanskaarbooks@yahoo.com |
Ashok Prakashan, Ahmedabad
10:00 AM To 7:00 PM | Visit | 9825052617 | hareshshah42@yahoo.co.in |
Ajay Book Stall, Anand
08:00 AM To 6:00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 02692-238237 | ajaybookstall@gmail.com |
Crossword Book Store, Surat
08:00 AM To 04:00 PM | Visit | 9924233933 | cwdsuratA@gmail.com |
Pages Book Centre, Vadodara
09:30 AM To 6:00 PM | Home Delivery | 0265-2780168 | stejash@gmail.com |
Maneesh Book Shop, Vadodara
10:00 AM To 6:00 PM | Visit | 9898522447 | maneeshbookshop@gmail.com |
Baroda Book Corporation, Vadodara
10:00 AM To 6:00 PM | Visit | 0265-2325712 | bbcorpo@gmail.com |
Crossword Book Store (Inorbit Mall), Vadodara
10:00 PM TO 7:00 PM | Visit | cwbaroda@gmail.com |
Crossword Book Store, Vadodara
9:30 TO 7:00 PM | Visit | 0265-2342657 | cwbaroda@gmail.com |
You And Book World, Rajkot
11:00 AM TO 7:00 Pm | Visit | 9624673177 | younbooksworld@gmail.com |
Chirag Book Distributors, Vadodara
10:00 AM To 7:00 PM | Visit | 0265-2489003 | dilchirag@yahoo.com |
Uttar Pradesh
Unviersal Book Company Allahabad
1000 AM to 600 PM | Visit | 8874599611 |
Universal Book Distributing Company, Lucknow
930 AM to 530 PM | Visit | 0522-2329641 | ubdc@airtelmail.in |
Universal Book Sellers, Lucknow
930 AM to 530 PM | Visit | 9838204366 | universallko@gmail.com |
Scholar Shopee, Lucknow
1030 AM to 530 PM | Visit | 9839008787 | scholar.shoppe@gmail.com |
Universal Book Company, Varanasi
1100 AM to 400 PM | Visit | 0542-2450042 | universalvns@gmail.com |
Kaul Kraft, Jaipur
1100 AM to 500 PM | Visit | 9734620536 | kaulkraftsjpr@gmail.com |
Crossword Book Store, Jaipur
11:00 AM To 06:00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9928279023 | crosswordjpr@gmail.com |
Rajat Book Corner, Jaipur
1100 AM to 400 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9829069797 | rajatbooks@sify.com |
DC Books (Banerji Road, Convent Jn, Kottayam, Thiruvananthapuram, and Tiruvalla)
Unsure (Banerji Road) | Home Delivery/Visit | 0487-2444322 | info.cdc@dcbookshop.in |
Unsure (Convent Jn) | Home Delivery/Visit | 0484-3021590 | info.cdc@dcbookshop.in |
9.30 AM TO 7 PM (Kottayam) | Home Delivery/Visit | 0481-2563114 | info.cdc@dcbookshop.in |
9.30 AM TO 7 PM (Thiruvananthapuram) | Home Delivery/Visit | 0471-2453379 | info.cdc@dcbookshop.in |
10 AM TO 7 PM (Tiruvalla) | Home Delivery/Visit | 9946109653 | info.cdc@dcbookshop.in |
Mathrubhumi Books (Kochi, Kozhikode, Thiruvananthapuram, Trichur)
10 AM TO 7 PM (Kochi) | Home Delivery/Visit | 8589934747 | georgey@mpp.co.in |
10 AM TO 7 PM (Kozhikode) | Home Delivery/Visit | 9447486186 | booksclt@mpp.co.in |
10 AM TO 7 PM (Thiruvananthapuram) | Home Delivery/Visit | bookstvpm@mpp.co.in |
10 AM TO 7 PM (Trichur) | Home Delivery/Visit | 9895103060 | bookstrsr@mpp.co.in |
Modern Book Centre, Thiruvananthapuram
9.30 AM TO 7 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9633795091 | info@modernbookcentre.com |
TBS (Kozhikode, Thiruvananthapuram)
10 AM TO 7 PM (Kozhikode) | Home Delivery/Visit | 0495-2721025 | ‘tbsbooksclt@gmail.com’ |
9.30 AM TO 7 PM (Thiruvananthapuram) | Home Delivery/Visit | 0471-2570504 | tbsbooksstatue@gmail.com |
H& C Books (Kochi, Kollam)
9.30 AM TO 7 PM (Kochi) | Unsure | 0484-2352133 | handctdm@gmail.com |
10 AM TO 7 PM (Kollam) | Unsure | 8089339479 | handcklm@gmail.com |
Crossword, Kochi
10 AM TO 7 PM | 0484-4039988 | crossword.cok@syamadynamic.com |
Kochi Books, Kochi
10 AM TO 7 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9447576865 | vimalgkumar@gmail.com |
Calicut Books, Kozhikode
10 AM TO 7 PM | 8589055051 | info@calicutbooks.com |
Cosmo Books, Trichur
10 AM TO 7 PM | 9847601768 | bookstrsr@mpp.co.in |
Green Books, Trichur
10 AM TO 7 PM | info@greenbooksindia.com |
Gangarams (Domlur, Church Street), Bengaluru
10.00 – 6.00 PM (Domlur) | Home Delivery/Visit | 98806 58078 | bhujbooks@gmail.com |
10.00 – 6.00 PM (Church Street) | Home Delivery/Visit | 97414 95610 | gangaramsmgroad@gmail.com |
The Bookworm, Church Street, Bengaluru
10.00 – 6.00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 98450 76757 | kris.bookworm@gmail.com |
Goobe’s Book Store, Church Street, Bengaluru
10.00 – 6.00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 99450 93095 | goobesbookrepublic@gmail.com |
Higginbothams, MG Road, Bengaluru
10.00 – 6.00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 96202 14348 | ananda.c@higginbothams.co.in |
Blossom Book House, Church Street, Bengaluru
10.00 – 6.00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 94482 20202 | mayigowda@yahoo.com |
Landmark, Forum Mall, Bengaluru
10.00 – 6.00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 080 4240 4888 | lms024@trent-tata.com |
Crossword (Forum Value Mall, JP Nagar, White Field, Banerghatta, Mantri Mall), Bengaluru
10.00 – 6.00 PM (Forum Value Mall) | Home Delivery/Visit | cwforumvaluemallbglr@gmail.com | |
10.00 – 6.00 PM (JP Nagar) | Home Delivery/Visit | 78921 89627 | velu.s@shoppersstop.com |
10.00 – 6.00 PM (White Field) | Home Delivery/Visit | 90085 64647 / 82176 71684 | mahantesh.bh@shoppersstop.com |
10.00 – 6.00 PM (Banerghatta) | Home Delivery/Visit | 86189 57558 | |
10.00 – 6.00 PM (Mantri Mall) | Home Delivery/Visit | 96867 44998 | Murthy.Narasimha@Shoppersstop.com |
Nagasri Book House, Jayangar, Bengaluru
10.00 – 6.00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 98459 44559 | nagasribook@gmail.com |
Sri Book World, Gandhibazaar, Bengaluru
10.00 – 6.00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 080 2662 4904 | sribookworld@gmail.com |
Tata Book House, IISC, Bengaluru
10.00 – 6.00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 98451 24944 | campusbookhouse@gmail.com |
Bookstop , Koramangala
10.00 – 6.00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 99868 31737 | bookstop.india@gmail.com |
Tata Book House, IISC
10.00 – 6.00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 98451 24944 | campusbookhouse@gmail.com |
Paperback Inc, Kamanahalli, Bengaluru
10.00 – 6.00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 99000 49156 | paperbackindia@gmail.com |
The Bookhive, Vijaynagar, Bengaluru
10.00 – 6.00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 95354 40445 | keshav.bookhive@gmail.com |
Sapna Books House (Gandhinagar, Sadashivnagar, Jayanagar, Indiranagar, Koramangala, Residency Road, Royal Meenakshi Mall, Elements Mall, RMZ Mall), Bengaluru
10.00 – 6.00 PM (Gandhinagar) | Home Delivery/Visit | 080 – 4011 4455 | info@sapnaonline.com |
10.00 – 6.00 PM (Sadashivnagar) | Home Delivery/Visit | 080 – 4123 6271 / 2344 64442 | sapna.sdn@sapnaretail.com |
10.00 – 6.00 PM (Jayanagar) | Home Delivery/Visit | 080 – 4906 6700 | sapna.jyn@sapnaretail.com |
10.00 – 6.00 PM (Indiranagar) | Home Delivery/Visit | 080 – 4045 5999 | sapna.ind@sapnaretail.com |
10.00 – 6.00 PM (Koramangala) | Home Delivery/Visit | 080 – 4083 9999 | sapna.krm@sapnaretail.com |
10.00 – 6.00 PM (Residency Road) | Home Delivery/Visit | 080 – 4916 6999 | sapna.res@sapnaretail.com |
10.00 – 6.00 PM (Royal Meenakshi Mall) | Home Delivery/Visit | 080 – 4256 6299 | sapna.rmm@sapnaretail.com |
10.00 – 6.00 PM (Elements Mall) | Home Delivery/Visit | 080 – 6729 4151 | sapnar.elm@sapnaretail.com |
10.00 – 6.00 PM (RMZ Mall) | Home Delivery/Visit | 9606014561 | 9606014562 | sapna.rmz@sapnaretail.com |
Lightroom Bookstore, Cook Town, Bengaluru
10.00 – 6.00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 98806 86495 | lightroombookstore@gmail.com |
Kids 2Day, Bengaluru
10.00 – 6.00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 95355 73051 | kids2dayintl@gmail.com |
Atta Galatta Bookstore, Koramangala, Bengaluru
10.00 – 6.00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 080 4160 0677 | thebookstore@attagalatta.com |
OM Book Store, Phoenix Mall, Bengaluru
10.00 – 6.00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 94818 10158 | purushotham@ombooks.com |
Buzzword, Sahkarnagar
10.00 – 6.00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 95381 23111 | buzzwordblr@gmail.com |
Walking BookFairs, JP Nagar, Bengaluru
10.00 – 6.00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 70081 47255 | walkingbookfairs@gmail.com |
Ameya Law Agency, Gandhinagar, Bengaluru
10.00 – 6.00 PM | 98441 15016 | ameyalawagencybangalore@gmail.com |
Aakruti Books, Rajajinagar, Bengaluru
10.00 – 6.00 PM | 98866 94580 |
Champaca, Cunningham Road, Bengaluru
10.00 – 6.00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 99165 41965 | team@champaca.in |
Sapna Book House (P) Ltd (Belgaum, Hubli, Kalburgi, Mangalore, Mysore)
10.00 – 6.00 PM (Belgaum) | Home Delivery/Visit | 0831 – 425 5499 | sapna.bgm@sapnaretail.com |
10.00 – 6.00 PM (Hubli) | Home Delivery/Visit | 0836 – 424 9999 | sapna.hub@sapnaretail.com |
10.00 – 6.00 PM (Kalburgi) | Home Delivery/Visit | 08472 – 275599 / 11 | sapna.klb@sapnaretail.com |
10.00 – 6.00 PM (Mangalore) | Home Delivery/Visit | 0824 – 423 2800 | sapna.mlr@sapnaretail.com |
10.00 – 6.00 PM (Mysore) | Home Delivery/Visit | 0821 – 400 4499 | sapna.mys@sapnaretail.com |
Andhra Pradesh
Ashok Book Centre, Vijyawada
9:30 a.m to 6:00 p.m | Home Delivery/Visit | 0866 247 2096 | abcbooksvj@gmail.com |
Pages Book Shop, Vizag
8:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m | Home Delivery/Visit | 089125 28627 | dhimant@reem.co.in |
Jyoti Book Depot, Vizag
8:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m | Home Delivery/Visit | 0891 664 5858 | dhimant@reem.co.in |
The Dogears Bookshop, Madgoan
11:00 AM To 06:00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9850398530 | Leonard.fernandes@gmail.com |
Literati, Calangute
11:00 AM To 06:00 PM | Visits | 9822682566 | books@literati-goa.com |
Crossword Bookstores, Panjim
11:00 AM To 06:00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9373793511 | crosswordgoa@gmail.com |
The Golden Heart Emporium, Madgoan
11:00 AM To 06:00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 0832-2277740 | goldenbks@hotmail.com |
Singball, Panjim
11:00 AM To 06:00 PM | Visit | 0832-2425747 | asinghbal3212@yahoo.co.in |
Broadway Book Centre, Panjim
11:00 AM To 06:00 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 9823866755 |
Papyrus – Books & Beyond, Panbazar, Guwahati
10 am – 5 pm | Visits | 0361 – 2730693 |
Western Book Depot, Panbazar, Guwahati
10 am – 5 pm | Visits | 0361 2543228 |
United Publishers, Panbazar, Guwahati
10 am – 5 pm | Visits | 9864068121 |
Unique Books, Panbazar, Guwahati
10 am – 5 pm | Vists | 7002613685 |
Eastern Book House, Panbazar, Guwahati
10 am – 5 pm | Visits | 9435549012 |
Not Just Book, G. S. Road
10 am – 5 pm | Visits | 9859597378 |
Lawyers Book Stall, Panbazar, Guwahati
10 am – 5 pm | Home Delivery/Visit | 99571 87355 |
Ukiyo Bookstore, Sega Road
8 am – 2 pm | Home Delivery/Visit | 9899239448 |
Jain Bookshop, Thangal Bazar
8 am – 2 pm | Home Delivery/Visit | 9856031157 |
Crossword, Porter Lane, NH-29
10 am – 4 pm | Visits | 8014702477 |
Rachna Books, Development Area, Gangtok
10 am – 5 pm | Visits | 9733102304 |
Good Books, M.G Road, Gangtok
10 am – 5 pm | Visits | 9434153393 |
Jain Co. (Bookshop), Gangtok
10 am – 5 pm | Visits | 9434126801 |
Himalaya Book World, Punjagutta
9:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m | Visits | 040 23355598 | himalaya_bookworld@yahoo.com |
Himalaya Book World, Secunderabad
9:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m | Visits | 040 27802248 | himalaya_bookworld@yahoo.com |
Central Book Shop, Ameerpet
9:30 a.m to 5:00 p.m | Home Delivery/Visit | 040 23400789 | orders.cbshyderabad@gmail.com |
Central Book Shop (Ameerpet and ABIDS)
9:30 a.m to 5:00 p.m (Ameerpret) | Home Delivery/Visit | 040 23400789 | orders.cbshyderabad@gmail.com |
9:30 a.m to 5:00 p.m (ABIDS) | Home Delivery/Visit | 040 66468646 | orders.cbshyderabad@gmail.com |
M R Book Centre, Begumpet
9:30 a.m to 5:00 p.m | Visits | 088853 53009 | mrbookcentre.hyd@gmail.com |
Book Selection Centre, Secunderabad
9:30 a.m to 5:00 p.m | Visits | 040 2344 6849 | bookselectioncentre_hyd@yahoo.co.in |
Akshara Books, Hyderabad
Unsure | 040 23554096 | aksharabooks@gmail.com |
Tamil Nadu
Odyssey (Adyar and Thiruvanmiyur), Chennai
10:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m (Adyar) | Home Delivery/Visit | 044 24402264 | odysseyadyar@prismcorp.in |
10:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m (Thiruvanmiyur) | Home Delivery/Visit | 044 42037799 | odysseytvm@prismcorp.in |
Higginbothams (Mount Road, Airport Store, Pondichery, and Trichy), Chennai
10:30 a.m to 5:00 p.m (Mount Road) | Home Delivery/Visit | 8123127191 | udaykiran@higginbothams.co.in |
Unsure | Unsure | 9786227997 | chennaiairport@higginbothams.co.in |
10:30 a.m to 5:00 p.m (Pondichery) | Home Delivery/Visit | 0413 233 3836 | udaykiran@higginbothams.co.in |
10:30 a.m to 5:00 p.m (Trichy) | Home Delivery/Visit | 0431 276 4418 | udaykiran@higginbothams.co.in |
Words n Worths, Besant Nagar, Chennai
10:30 a.m to 6:00 p.m | Vists | 044 2446 8659 | wordsnworths@gmail.com |
Sapna Book House (P) Ltd, (Coimbatore and Erode)
10.00 to 6.00 PM (Coimbatore) | Home Delivery/Visit | 0422 – 462 9999 / 97877 55858 / 68 | sapna.cbe@sapnaretail.com |
10.00 to 6.00 PM (Erode) | Home Delivery/Visit | 63666 99982 / 83 / 84 | sapna.erd@sapnaretail.com |
Turning Point, Madurai
9:30 a.m to 7:00 p.m | Home Delivery/Visit | 097898 35736 | turningpointbooks@gmail.com |
Focus Bookshop Pondichery Pondichery
9:30 a.m to 7:00 p.m | Visits | 0413 2345513 | focuspondicherry@gmail.com |
English Book Depot, Dehradun
830 AM to 330 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 0135-2655192 |
Book World, Dehradun
830 AM to 330 PM | Home Delivery/Visit | 0135-2655845 | bookworld_ddn@yahoo.co.in |
Natraj Publishers, Dehradun
830 AM to 330 PM | Visits | 0135-2653382 | natrajbooks@vsnl.com |
Saluja Book House, Dehradun
830 AM to 330 PM | Visits | 0135-2655549 | salujabookhouse9@gmail.com |
Cambirdge Book Depot, Mussoorie
1000 AM to 530 PM | Visits | 0135-2632224 | cambd@rediffmail.com |
The Charleville Bookstore & Café, Mussoorie
1000 AM to 530 PM | Visits | 0135-2745137 | ashish@narayanbooks.com |
West Bengal
Indiana, College Street, Kolkata
12.00 till 5pm | Visits | 7001391517 | indianabkshp@rediffmail.com |
Oneworld Books College Street, Kolkata
12.00 till 5pm | Visits | 9830416789 | oneworldbookkol@gmail.com |
Story Elgin Road, Kolkata
10.00 till 4pm | Home Delivery/Visit | 9163784633 | rajarshi@primarc.in |
Storyteller Picnic Garden (Near VIP Bazar), Kolkata
10 am – 5 pm | Home Delivery/Visit | 9331051191 | bookstorestoryteller@gmail.com |
Oxford Park Street, Kolkata
12.00 till 4.00pm | Home Delivery/Visit | 8017679360 | rbshah@apeejaygroup.com |
Walking Book Fairs, Bhubhaneswar
10 am – 5 pm | Home Delivery/Visit | 8598013877 | walkingbookfairs@gmail.com |
Padmalaya Janpath , Unit III, Bhubaneswar
10 am – 5 pm | Visits | 0674 2396922 |
Modern Book Depot Unit III, Master Canteen, Bhubaneswar
10 am – 5 pm | Visit | 0674 2534373 |
Kitab Mahal, College Square, Cuttack
9 am – 5 pm | Walk | 0671 2547882 |
A K Mishra Agencies, Roxy Lane, Cuttack
9 am – 5 pm | Visit | 0361 2332233 |
Here’s Team Penguin wishing you safety, health, and wellbeing. We hope the returning smell of books and bookshelves will help with the quarantine blues.
Happy reading and stay safe!