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Know Your Fitness Personality to find the Ultimate Fitness Happiness!

Ever felt lost in the fitness maze? Say goodbye to the confusion as we dive into Yasmin Karachiwala‘s latest fitness book. The Perfect 10 isn’t just a read – it’s your roadmap to fitness happiness. Experience the magic of matching your exercise style with your fitness goals. From easygoing routines to intense challenges, there’s a workout made just for you.

The Perfect 10

The Perfect 10

Yasmin Karachiwala


Finding your fitness happiness is very important if you want to make a lifelong commitment to fitness because you cannot sustain something that doesn’t give you joy. Increasing the want factor is about identifying your exercise personality and customizing an active lifestyle for yourself. And while many people like the pushing, the shouting, the yelling, the looking into-the-mirror-and-pumping, not everyone does. As there are people, there are fitness personalities, and identifying yours could be key to you sticking to a routine and giving yourself something to look forward to.

Ready to discover your fitness persona? Take this exciting quiz and find your perfect fit!

How many times do you go to the gym?
At least five times a week
Three times or less
Not at all



How do you feel about intense workouts?
I thrive on intense, challenging workouts.
I prefer a mix of moderate and intense workouts.
I prefer gentle and low-intensity exercises.



What's your preferred workout environment?
I thrive in a high-energy gym or fitness class setting.
I'm comfortable in a gym but also enjoy outdoor workouts.
I prefer home workouts or quiet, peaceful settings.



How would you describe your dietary habits?
I follow a strict, balanced diet.
I eat healthy most of the time but indulge occasionally.
My diet is inconsistent, and I struggle to eat healthily.



What motivates you to work out?
Achieving specific fitness goals
Stress relief and mental well-being
External factors, like social pressure or events



When it comes to exercise, how competitive are you?
I'm very competitive and always strive to be the best.
I enjoy some friendly competition but also exercise for fun.
I don't focus on competition; I exercise for personal well-being.



How do you react to physical discomfort during workouts?
I push through discomfort to reach my goals.
I listen to my body and adjust when needed.
I tend to avoid workouts that make me uncomfortable.



How would you rate your current fitness level?
Excellent; I'm in peak physical condition.
Good; I'm healthy and active.
Below average; I'm not very active.



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What’s Your Fitness Personality?

I'm %%personality%%


But I'm also %%personality%%



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