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Thérèse Obrecht Hodler

Thérèse Obrecht Hodler is a journalist. She holds a degree in History, Russian and Spanish from the University of Geneva. She worked for the daily newspapers «Le Journal de Genève» and «Le Nouveau Quotidien» as well as for the Swiss Television RTS in Geneva. From 1991 to 1997 she was RTS correspondent in Moscow, from 2000 to 2002 she headed the two public service radio stations in Kosovo for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the European Broadcasting Union. She is the author of a book on Russia (La loi du pouvoir, Ed. Autrement, 2006) and of numerous documentary films broadcast on Swiss television. For six years she was president of Reporters Without Borders Switzerland. Thérèse Obrecht Hodler is married, has two sons and lives in Bern and Geneva.

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