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Shuja Nawaz

Shuja Nawaz is a globally recognized political and strategic analyst. Currently, he is a distinguished fellow, South Asia Center, at the well-known bi-partisan think tank, the Atlantic Council in Washington, DC. In January 2009, he was made the first director of the Council’s South Asia Center.
He is the author of Crossed Swords: Pakistan, its Army, and the Wars Within. He is also the principal author of FATA: A Most Dangerous Place, Pakistan in the Danger Zone: A Tenuous USPakistan Relationship, Learning by Doing: The Pakistan Army’s Experience with Counterinsurgency, Who Controls Pakistan’s Security Forces?, Countering Militancy and Terrorism in Pakistan: The CivilMilitary Nexus, and with Mohan Guruswamy, with a foreword by former Secretary of State George Shultz, IndiaPakistan: The Opportunity Cost of Conflict.

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