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Shashi Deshpande

Shashi Deshpande, daughter of the renowned Kannada dramatist and Sanskrit scholar Shriranga, was born in Dharwad. At the age of fifteen she went to Mumbai, graduated in economics, then moved to Bangalore, where she gained a degree in law. The early years of her marriage were largely given over to the care of her two young sons, but she took a course in journalism and for a time worked on a magazine.
Her writing career began in earnest only in 1970, initially with short stories, of which several volumes have been published. She is the author of four children’s books and seven previous novels, the best known of which are The Dark Holds No Terror, That Long Silence, which won the Sahitya Akademi award, Small Remedies and Moving On. Shashi Deshpande lives in Bangalore with her pathologist husband.

Books by the author

A Matter of Time

A Matter of Time

Shashi Deshpande
Moving On

Moving On

Shashi Deshpande
In the Country of Deceit

In the Country of Deceit

Shashi Deshpande
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