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Aabhas Maldahiyar

Aabhas Maldahiyar, an Architect and Urban-Designer, amalgamates an intense love for History with captivating storytelling. He champions the seamless fusion of History and Architecture, recognizing their intrinsic connection in narrative creation. His architectural masterpieces, envisioned as repositories of future stories, ignite his diverse literary odyssey, spanning Marxist and Ex-Marxist phases.
Initially embracing Marxism in architecture school, a visit to Ajanta’s caves ignited a profound transformation. Shifting from Marxist literature to crafting fiction inspired by the Red Ideology, he delved deeper into the realms of History and Politics. His inaugural nonfiction, Modi Again: An Ex-Communist’s Manifesto (2019), chronicles his remarkable journey. Babur: The Chessboard King stands as the inaugural volume in his forthcoming series on ‘Timurid Gurkaniyan’ (erroneously known as Mughals), founded on primary sources. A skilled reader of Persian manuscripts, Aabhas offers a distinctive lens to historical narratives.

Books by the author



Aabhas Maldahiyar
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