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Yama and His Book of Accounts

Yama and His Book of Accounts

(Penguin Petit)

Devdutt Pattanaik
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According to the law of karma, every ‘jiva’ or soul is obliged to experience the reactions of all actions. Only actions remain in our control while the reactions are simply to be borne. How one handles those reactions is believed to be the real test of one’s existence on earth according to Hindu mythology.

Desire and Destiny are the governing principles of the universe. What we desire, what we do to fulfill those desires and how we act upon our destinies—they all add up as credits and debits in our life’s ledger, maintained by none other than Yama, the God of death. And he maintains this ledger for a reason: to determine what happens to us after we die.

Read on as Devdutt Pattanaik unravels the various beliefs associated with death in Hindu mythology in Yama and His Book of Accounts.

Imprint: Penguin

Published: Sep/2018

Length : 27 Pages

MRP : ₹15.00

Yama and His Book of Accounts

(Penguin Petit)

Devdutt Pattanaik

According to the law of karma, every ‘jiva’ or soul is obliged to experience the reactions of all actions. Only actions remain in our control while the reactions are simply to be borne. How one handles those reactions is believed to be the real test of one’s existence on earth according to Hindu mythology.

Desire and Destiny are the governing principles of the universe. What we desire, what we do to fulfill those desires and how we act upon our destinies—they all add up as credits and debits in our life’s ledger, maintained by none other than Yama, the God of death. And he maintains this ledger for a reason: to determine what happens to us after we die.

Read on as Devdutt Pattanaik unravels the various beliefs associated with death in Hindu mythology in Yama and His Book of Accounts.

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Paperback / Hardback
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