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Win Your Inner Battles

Win Your Inner Battles

Defeat the Enemy Within and Live With Purpose

Darius Foroux
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Paperback / Hardback

Do you want to change your career? Start a business? Stop losing sleep over a deadline? End your relationship? Or maybe, just live a fulfilling life? Everyone has goals and ambitions in life. But we often don’t pursue our inner desires because of one thing: Fear and a lack of self-confidence.

In Win Your Inner Battles, I will show you how to destroy fear and live your life with a sense of purpose.

You’ll learn how to:
Conquer fear, improve self-confidence, stop worrying and live life on YOUR terms.
No matter how bad your situation is, there is always a way out.

Imprint: India Penguin

Published: Oct/2021

ISBN: 9780143452201

Length : 144 Pages

MRP : ₹250.00

Win Your Inner Battles

Defeat the Enemy Within and Live With Purpose

Darius Foroux

Do you want to change your career? Start a business? Stop losing sleep over a deadline? End your relationship? Or maybe, just live a fulfilling life? Everyone has goals and ambitions in life. But we often don’t pursue our inner desires because of one thing: Fear and a lack of self-confidence.

In Win Your Inner Battles, I will show you how to destroy fear and live your life with a sense of purpose.

You’ll learn how to:
Conquer fear, improve self-confidence, stop worrying and live life on YOUR terms.
No matter how bad your situation is, there is always a way out.

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback
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