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Who Let The Dork Out?

Who Let The Dork Out?

Sidin Vadukut
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Paperback / Hardback

With just 12 months to go before the 2010 Allied
Victory Games in New Delhi, there is pandemonium
at the Ministry for Urban Regeneration and Public
Preparations are months behind schedule and
minister Badrikedar Laxmanrao Dahake not only
has to deal with an irate PM but also the Lok Sabha,
fiendish investigative journalists, and a relentless
BBC reporter who insists on interviewing him live
in English. Dahake is about to resign when he runs
into an unlikely saviour: international financial
wizard Robin ‘Einstein’ Varghese.

Imprint: India Penguin

Published: Aug/2016

ISBN: 9780143414094

Length : 256 Pages

MRP : ₹250.00

Who Let The Dork Out?

Sidin Vadukut

With just 12 months to go before the 2010 Allied
Victory Games in New Delhi, there is pandemonium
at the Ministry for Urban Regeneration and Public
Preparations are months behind schedule and
minister Badrikedar Laxmanrao Dahake not only
has to deal with an irate PM but also the Lok Sabha,
fiendish investigative journalists, and a relentless
BBC reporter who insists on interviewing him live
in English. Dahake is about to resign when he runs
into an unlikely saviour: international financial
wizard Robin ‘Einstein’ Varghese.

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback
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