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How many avatars does Vishnu actually have? Is Buddha an avatar of Vishnu? What do Bodhisattva and Vishnu have in common? What do all of his avatars symbolize? Is there a connection between Vishnu’s avatars and Darwin’s theory of evolution?
It is believed that Vishnu always comes to earth when Devi is suffering—Parashurama for Renuka, Ram for Sita. Another belief is that every time Vishnu takes an avatar, Devi too is born. A Vishnu avatar went on a rampage destroying all Kshatriyas, but also strives to protect the weeping earth goddess who appeared before him as a cow.
Which of these many personas does Vishnu represent? Find out more about the rich symbolism of his multitude of personas in this short, sweet read from Devlok.
Imprint: Penguin
Published: Oct/2016
Length : 10 Pages
MRP : ₹15.00
Imprint: Penguin Audio
Imprint: Penguin
Published: Oct/2016
ISBN: 9789385990687
Length : 10 Pages
MRP : ₹15.00
How many avatars does Vishnu actually have? Is Buddha an avatar of Vishnu? What do Bodhisattva and Vishnu have in common? What do all of his avatars symbolize? Is there a connection between Vishnu’s avatars and Darwin’s theory of evolution?
It is believed that Vishnu always comes to earth when Devi is suffering—Parashurama for Renuka, Ram for Sita. Another belief is that every time Vishnu takes an avatar, Devi too is born. A Vishnu avatar went on a rampage destroying all Kshatriyas, but also strives to protect the weeping earth goddess who appeared before him as a cow.
Which of these many personas does Vishnu represent? Find out more about the rich symbolism of his multitude of personas in this short, sweet read from Devlok.
Devdutt Pattanaik is the author of over 25 books and over 500 articles on the relevance of mythology in modern times. He worked in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries for 15 years before devoting all his time to his passion for decoding beliefs of all cultures, modern and ancient, located beneath the veneer of rationality. Extremely knowledgeable and exceptionally insightful, Pattanaik also boasts of the added skill of simplifying his mythological accounts into delightful reads that engage young readers. He is the master storyteller of the very popular Fun in Devlok series and Pashu
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