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Verrier Elwin

Verrier Elwin

The Defender of the Tribals (Penguin Petit)

Ramachandra Guha
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A remarkable Englishman-turned-Indian, Verrier Elwin was an Oxford scholar who somehow became the foremost spokesman for India’s tribal people.

Despite constituting almost 8 per cent of the nation’s population, the tribals of India had been (and continue to be) ignored by the national freedom movement. It was Elwin, an esteemed—if not controversial—public figure in his adopted homeland, who decided to champion their cause.

The people he influenced are at the epicentre of the Maoist rebellion in the country today. It is absolutely imperative that we familiarize ourselves with Elwin’s thoughts and ideas. Read on as Ramachandra Guha sheds light on his most influential writing in the chapter titled ‘Verrier Elwin: The Defender of the Tribals’.

Imprint: Penguin

Published: Aug/2018

Length : 15 Pages

MRP : ₹15.00

Verrier Elwin

The Defender of the Tribals (Penguin Petit)

Ramachandra Guha

A remarkable Englishman-turned-Indian, Verrier Elwin was an Oxford scholar who somehow became the foremost spokesman for India’s tribal people.

Despite constituting almost 8 per cent of the nation’s population, the tribals of India had been (and continue to be) ignored by the national freedom movement. It was Elwin, an esteemed—if not controversial—public figure in his adopted homeland, who decided to champion their cause.

The people he influenced are at the epicentre of the Maoist rebellion in the country today. It is absolutely imperative that we familiarize ourselves with Elwin’s thoughts and ideas. Read on as Ramachandra Guha sheds light on his most influential writing in the chapter titled ‘Verrier Elwin: The Defender of the Tribals’.

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Paperback / Hardback
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