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Vairagya Shatak

Vairagya Shatak

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Bhartrihari emphasizes the need for impermanence and disinterest in the world along with Karuna and Nirakulata. The World is a strange puzzle- somewhere Veena has melodious music, some beautiful melodious can be seen, so somewhere the leprosy of the leprosy born bodies, somewhere the loved ones crying after the loss of the beloved, so do not know, this world is amritamaya or odd, boon or curse. What does Bhartrihari says in Vaigya Shatkam : intelligent people are jelous, The king or rich people are rich in wealth, other people are buried in ignorance, so subhashit becomes old in the body.

Imprint: Hind Pocket Books

Published: Feb/2020

ISBN: 9789353496128

Length : 160 Pages

MRP : ₹150.00

Vairagya Shatak


Bhartrihari emphasizes the need for impermanence and disinterest in the world along with Karuna and Nirakulata. The World is a strange puzzle- somewhere Veena has melodious music, some beautiful melodious can be seen, so somewhere the leprosy of the leprosy born bodies, somewhere the loved ones crying after the loss of the beloved, so do not know, this world is amritamaya or odd, boon or curse. What does Bhartrihari says in Vaigya Shatkam : intelligent people are jelous, The king or rich people are rich in wealth, other people are buried in ignorance, so subhashit becomes old in the body.

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Paperback / Hardback
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