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The Shoonyam Quotient

The Shoonyam Quotient

Mickey Mehta
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Paperback / Hardback

Life swings between polarities. We are constantly pulled and pushed against our will. The hustle and bustle takes its toll on us. Being subjected to the forces of nature and weathering them turns us into exhausted and emotionally fraught people. To counter this, The Shoonyam Quotient will help you simplify your life and discover the zeroeth state-your inner source of infinite potential.
Global leading wellness coach and corporate life coach Mickey Mehta will show you how to be neither pessimistic nor optimistic, but optimized-primed to become the best version of yourself. Discover your mind and body in a different way as he makes you introspect about the different facets of your life, from breathing to sleeping. The unique and inspiring catchphrases, and deep philosophical thoughts encapsulated in this book will make you energized, fulfilled and peaceful.

Imprint: Ebury Press

Published: Sep/2017

ISBN: 9780143441342

Length : 248 Pages

MRP : ₹299.00

The Shoonyam Quotient

Mickey Mehta

Life swings between polarities. We are constantly pulled and pushed against our will. The hustle and bustle takes its toll on us. Being subjected to the forces of nature and weathering them turns us into exhausted and emotionally fraught people. To counter this, The Shoonyam Quotient will help you simplify your life and discover the zeroeth state-your inner source of infinite potential.
Global leading wellness coach and corporate life coach Mickey Mehta will show you how to be neither pessimistic nor optimistic, but optimized-primed to become the best version of yourself. Discover your mind and body in a different way as he makes you introspect about the different facets of your life, from breathing to sleeping. The unique and inspiring catchphrases, and deep philosophical thoughts encapsulated in this book will make you energized, fulfilled and peaceful.

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Paperback / Hardback

Mickey Mehta

Dr Mickey Mehta is a leading holistic health guru and life coach to billionaires, top Bollywood super stars, top supermodels (Miss World and Miss Universe), top politicians and members of the Maharashtra Police. He has a double honorary doctorate in holistic health and life sciences from International Medicina Alternativa, and has been a pioneer in promoting holistic health in India through radio and TV shows too. Mickey was invited to talk at Harvard University at the Inspire series in February 2017 and at IIT Mumbai Bombay in 2015. He has held holistic health workshops in Oman, Thailand, USA, Hong Kong, Dubai, Turkey and Sri Lanka. Dr Mickey Mehta Mickey is also a leading social media influencer in the health and wellness space.
He has interwoven Zen, Tao, Tantra, Ved, Greek and many more philosophies to develop holistic health systems to self-heal, transform and transcend. His healing focuses on mingling with our five elements and skillfully balancing them. Throughout his 35thirty-five-year-long career, he has striven to promote a disease-free world through his wellness commandants.

5 Ways in Which You Can Mickeymize Yourself to a Healthier Life

Life is all about the hustle and bustle. Between polarities, we are constantly being pushed and pulled, against our own will, which leads us to being exhausted and emotionally fraught people. Global leading wellness coach and corporate life coach Mickey Mehta in The Shoonyam Quotient will help you discover your mind and body in a different […]

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