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The Secret Diary Of World’s Worst Genius

The Secret Diary Of World’s Worst Genius

Paro Anand
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Paperback / Hardback

I, Arjun Bhasin, am a genius. I’ve just been diagnosed with it.
Once upon a time, I was an average Joe, neither at the top nor at the bottom. Heck, I was even the middle sibling! But all it took was one test, just one, to change my life. Suddenly, I was important. I was a GENIUS. Everyone was waiting anxiously to hear the pearls of wisdom that would drop from my mouth. Only one problem I didn’t know what I was a genius at.
If you think geniuses have it all, I bet you haven’t met someone like me. I’d give anything to be a normal thirteen-year-old again. At least I wouldn’t be dragged everywhere, from museums to theatre classes to horse races, to find out my ‘geniosity’. At least my best friend wouldn’t act like I’ve got a contagious disease. At least I wouldn’t be a freak . . .
Still want to know more? Take a peek into this secret diary to find out what happens when an ordinary boy suddenly becomes the World’s Worst Genius.

Imprint: India Puffin

Published: Aug/2013

ISBN: 9780143331742

Length : 128 Pages

MRP : ₹199.00

The Secret Diary Of World’s Worst Genius

Paro Anand

I, Arjun Bhasin, am a genius. I’ve just been diagnosed with it.
Once upon a time, I was an average Joe, neither at the top nor at the bottom. Heck, I was even the middle sibling! But all it took was one test, just one, to change my life. Suddenly, I was important. I was a GENIUS. Everyone was waiting anxiously to hear the pearls of wisdom that would drop from my mouth. Only one problem I didn’t know what I was a genius at.
If you think geniuses have it all, I bet you haven’t met someone like me. I’d give anything to be a normal thirteen-year-old again. At least I wouldn’t be dragged everywhere, from museums to theatre classes to horse races, to find out my ‘geniosity’. At least my best friend wouldn’t act like I’ve got a contagious disease. At least I wouldn’t be a freak . . .
Still want to know more? Take a peek into this secret diary to find out what happens when an ordinary boy suddenly becomes the World’s Worst Genius.

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Paperback / Hardback
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