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The Quotable Tycoon

The Quotable Tycoon

A Treasury Of Business Quotations

David Olive
Gita Piramal
Olive David & Piramal Gita
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Containing more than 700 instructive perceptive and often outrageous views on business from the world’s most powerful corporate leaders and entrepreneurs The Quotable Tycoon covers more than a century of inspirational irreverent and timely insights. Dhirubhai Ambani Warren Buffett Narayana Murthy John D. Rockefeller Akio Morita Jack Welch J.R.D. Tata Donald Trump Aditya Vikram Birla Oprah Winfrey Shikha Sharma and Bill Gates are among the scores of tycoons from Asia North America and Europe whose witty and provocative comments appear in this book. They are complemented by wry reflections on business by such varied observers as Mark Twain Mae West Winston Churchill and Peter Drucker. The quotes are arranged thematically so that the thoughts of business leaders throughout history can be easily scanned.
In this wonderful treasury David Olive and Gita Piramal not only provide the reader with hours of entertaining and stimulating reading but also present anyone in search of a witty sharp remark on business with the perfect reference book.

Imprint: India Portfolio

Published: Oct/2008

ISBN: 9780670082476

Length : Pages

MRP : ₹499.00

The Quotable Tycoon

A Treasury Of Business Quotations

David Olive
Gita Piramal
Olive David & Piramal Gita

Containing more than 700 instructive perceptive and often outrageous views on business from the world’s most powerful corporate leaders and entrepreneurs The Quotable Tycoon covers more than a century of inspirational irreverent and timely insights. Dhirubhai Ambani Warren Buffett Narayana Murthy John D. Rockefeller Akio Morita Jack Welch J.R.D. Tata Donald Trump Aditya Vikram Birla Oprah Winfrey Shikha Sharma and Bill Gates are among the scores of tycoons from Asia North America and Europe whose witty and provocative comments appear in this book. They are complemented by wry reflections on business by such varied observers as Mark Twain Mae West Winston Churchill and Peter Drucker. The quotes are arranged thematically so that the thoughts of business leaders throughout history can be easily scanned.
In this wonderful treasury David Olive and Gita Piramal not only provide the reader with hours of entertaining and stimulating reading but also present anyone in search of a witty sharp remark on business with the perfect reference book.

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback
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