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The Pursuit of Truth

The Pursuit of Truth

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Germs of words for the seeker Of the millions of words which Dr. Radhakrishnan wrote in his highly illustrious and prolific career as philosopher, teacher, statesman and author, there are few that speak about himself. His concern was man in cosmos, rarely he himself. In this significant book Dr. Radhakrishnan comes nearest to talking about himself. And yet, as was his wont, instead of narrating the events of his life, he gives us a peep into his soul – a peep into his thoughts and self – development – and makes us conscious of our own destiny. In the introduction to the book, B. K. Ahluwalia gives a brilliant account of Dr. Radhakrishnan’s philosophy and reveals some little known facets of the great philosopher’s personality.

Imprint: Hind Pocket Books

Published: Aug/2019

ISBN: 9789353492946

Length : 148 Pages

MRP : ₹150.00

The Pursuit of Truth


Germs of words for the seeker Of the millions of words which Dr. Radhakrishnan wrote in his highly illustrious and prolific career as philosopher, teacher, statesman and author, there are few that speak about himself. His concern was man in cosmos, rarely he himself. In this significant book Dr. Radhakrishnan comes nearest to talking about himself. And yet, as was his wont, instead of narrating the events of his life, he gives us a peep into his soul – a peep into his thoughts and self – development – and makes us conscious of our own destiny. In the introduction to the book, B. K. Ahluwalia gives a brilliant account of Dr. Radhakrishnan’s philosophy and reveals some little known facets of the great philosopher’s personality.

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Paperback / Hardback
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