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The Pulse of Our Times

The Pulse of Our Times

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Paperback / Hardback

The Pulse of Our Times is a rigourous selection from more than four hundred poems published over fifteen years in the leading newspapers and journals of the country. Wit, satire and humour are their defining features. These pieces give a synoptic overview of the socio – political scene of the country today. The subjects are treated here with subtle irony and humour. Beside satirical pieces, the collection has heart – warming poems of love and on personal relations, as also peoms of inspiration and about people who have made a mark and won our love and admiration: I stand up sky – high and salute the human spirit. Its limitlessness, its might, its grit, The mind of man I sing As I salute Stephen Hawking.

Imprint: Hind Pocket Books

Published: Nov/2020

ISBN: 9789353495381

Length : 144 Pages

MRP : ₹199.00

The Pulse of Our Times


The Pulse of Our Times is a rigourous selection from more than four hundred poems published over fifteen years in the leading newspapers and journals of the country. Wit, satire and humour are their defining features. These pieces give a synoptic overview of the socio – political scene of the country today. The subjects are treated here with subtle irony and humour. Beside satirical pieces, the collection has heart – warming poems of love and on personal relations, as also peoms of inspiration and about people who have made a mark and won our love and admiration: I stand up sky – high and salute the human spirit. Its limitlessness, its might, its grit, The mind of man I sing As I salute Stephen Hawking.

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Paperback / Hardback
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