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The Parents I Met

The Parents I Met

Mansi Zaveri
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Paperback / Hardback

The one question that always comes with being a parent is, ‘Am I doing this right?’. Yet, the love we feel for our child is irrevocable. Parenting is probably the only relationship we’ll never walk out of. We are in it forever.

But today, somewhere in the rigmarole of life and material achievements, we forget these precious moments and start chasing that first place on the victory stand for our kids.

Featuring interviews conducted by Mansi Zaveri, the founder of the award-winning parenting platform, The Parents I Met is an anthology of her authentic conversations with parents of successful individuals who made it big against all odds. What was it that they did right while raising their kids to create the person their child is today? This is what she set out to find.

The challenges faced by each new generation may be unique, but the fundamental principles to overcome them remain the same. We hope that in these stories, you will find answers, advice or simply validation.

Imprint: Ebury Press

Published: Nov/2023

ISBN: 9780143459743

Length : 296 Pages

MRP : ₹399.00

The Parents I Met

Mansi Zaveri

The one question that always comes with being a parent is, ‘Am I doing this right?’. Yet, the love we feel for our child is irrevocable. Parenting is probably the only relationship we’ll never walk out of. We are in it forever.

But today, somewhere in the rigmarole of life and material achievements, we forget these precious moments and start chasing that first place on the victory stand for our kids.

Featuring interviews conducted by Mansi Zaveri, the founder of the award-winning parenting platform, The Parents I Met is an anthology of her authentic conversations with parents of successful individuals who made it big against all odds. What was it that they did right while raising their kids to create the person their child is today? This is what she set out to find.

The challenges faced by each new generation may be unique, but the fundamental principles to overcome them remain the same. We hope that in these stories, you will find answers, advice or simply validation.

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Paperback / Hardback
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