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The Orphan Diaries

The Orphan Diaries

Warrier Shashi
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Among the thousands of orphaned children adopted after 47 there are a few less than twenty who were planted here by Jinnah’s men . . .

At thirty-eight, feeling ancient and used up, Colonel Rajan Menon Raja knows his best years as a commando are behind him. But he is soon tested as never before. The Prime Minister s granddaughter has been abducted, and the kidnappers want some sensitive diaries in the possession of the CBI, the contents of which, if made public, can throw the country into turmoil. Raja works out a meticulous rescue plan, but the raid ends in a disaster the girl is killed, not a single kidnapper is captured and the diaries disappear. And all the evidence points to Raja s complicity. Hounded by the police and, inexplicably, a ruthless psychopath, Raja is on the run, determined to clear his name. As he makes his harrowing journey towards the truth, a sinister plot unfolds an astounding account that began in 1947 . . .

Imprint: India Penguin

Published: Jun/2009

ISBN: 9780143066187

Length : 480 Pages

MRP : ₹350.00

The Orphan Diaries

Warrier Shashi

Among the thousands of orphaned children adopted after 47 there are a few less than twenty who were planted here by Jinnah’s men . . .

At thirty-eight, feeling ancient and used up, Colonel Rajan Menon Raja knows his best years as a commando are behind him. But he is soon tested as never before. The Prime Minister s granddaughter has been abducted, and the kidnappers want some sensitive diaries in the possession of the CBI, the contents of which, if made public, can throw the country into turmoil. Raja works out a meticulous rescue plan, but the raid ends in a disaster the girl is killed, not a single kidnapper is captured and the diaries disappear. And all the evidence points to Raja s complicity. Hounded by the police and, inexplicably, a ruthless psychopath, Raja is on the run, determined to clear his name. As he makes his harrowing journey towards the truth, a sinister plot unfolds an astounding account that began in 1947 . . .

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Paperback / Hardback
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