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The Inner Journey

The Inner Journey

Finding a Safe Space amidst Chaos

Vraja Bihari Das
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Paperback / Hardback

Are you constantly in a rush? Do you crave slow days? Have you tried yoga and meditation but still feel a gnawing vacuum inside you? Do you have enough reasons to be grateful, yet you wonder why your mind grumbles incessantly?

If any of these questions ever occurred to you, this book will be a lifesaver. Vraja Bihari Das, a practising monk for over twenty-five years, offers a refreshingly new paradigm to help you live comfortably in your own skin through the bhakti yoga process, popularly known as Krishna consciousness.

The Inner Journey shares strategies to quieten the mind’s incessant chatter and live in a space beyond the mind—the Heart Space. Through simple, yet potent techniques such as conscious breathing, journalling and affirmations, this book offers hope for peace in an age of chaos and love amidst distrust.

Steer away from the chaotic outside world and dive into the calm corner of your heart space where you truly belong and feel loved.

Imprint: India Penguin Ananda

Published: Jul/2024

ISBN: 9780143469261

Length : 224 Pages

MRP : ₹299.00

The Inner Journey

Finding a Safe Space amidst Chaos

Vraja Bihari Das

Are you constantly in a rush? Do you crave slow days? Have you tried yoga and meditation but still feel a gnawing vacuum inside you? Do you have enough reasons to be grateful, yet you wonder why your mind grumbles incessantly?

If any of these questions ever occurred to you, this book will be a lifesaver. Vraja Bihari Das, a practising monk for over twenty-five years, offers a refreshingly new paradigm to help you live comfortably in your own skin through the bhakti yoga process, popularly known as Krishna consciousness.

The Inner Journey shares strategies to quieten the mind’s incessant chatter and live in a space beyond the mind—the Heart Space. Through simple, yet potent techniques such as conscious breathing, journalling and affirmations, this book offers hope for peace in an age of chaos and love amidst distrust.

Steer away from the chaotic outside world and dive into the calm corner of your heart space where you truly belong and feel loved.

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Paperback / Hardback
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