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The Henna Start-up | A romance about a young tech girl with big ambitions set in Bangalore

The Henna Start-up | A romance about a young tech girl with big ambitions set in Bangalore

Andaleeb Wajid
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Paperback / Hardback

Abir Maqsood is angry.

She has things to do: a career to carve, money to earn, and, in the small stuff, a dining table to fix. But there are many obstacles in the way: lack of money, her parents’ over-protective attitude, and a most annoying distraction in class called Arsalan.

When her mother is not paid her dues for her henna service, Abir resolves to help her by creating a henna app. Her college is also running a programme for student start-ups so things look most fortuitous. But the path to getting funding is littered with more thorns than roses.

As Abir navigates through college, friendships and social pressures with determination, will she find the freedom that she is truly looking for?

Imprint: Duckbill

Published: Dec/2023

ISBN: 9780143463689

Length : 272 Pages

MRP : ₹299.00

The Henna Start-up | A romance about a young tech girl with big ambitions set in Bangalore

Andaleeb Wajid

Abir Maqsood is angry.

She has things to do: a career to carve, money to earn, and, in the small stuff, a dining table to fix. But there are many obstacles in the way: lack of money, her parents’ over-protective attitude, and a most annoying distraction in class called Arsalan.

When her mother is not paid her dues for her henna service, Abir resolves to help her by creating a henna app. Her college is also running a programme for student start-ups so things look most fortuitous. But the path to getting funding is littered with more thorns than roses.

As Abir navigates through college, friendships and social pressures with determination, will she find the freedom that she is truly looking for?

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback

Andaleeb Wajid

Andaleeb Wajid is the author of fourteen published novels, including More than Just Biryani, Asmara's Summer and Twenty-nine Going on Thirty. Her young adult novel When She Went Away was shortlisted for The Hindu Young World GoodBooks Award (2017). She enjoys writing about romance and food, and is also a creative writing facilitator at Nutcracker Workshops.

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