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For more than twenty years Mark Tully was the BBC Chief of Bureau in Delhi and his name and his voice became synonymous with the country he had made his home. For years he sent back dispatches interpreting the subcontinent to the outside world, but the ‘truth’ of India is remarkably resistant to reportage. Imbued with his love for the country and informed by his vast experience, Mark Tully has woven together a series of extraordinary stories. All the stories are set in Uttar Pradesh and tell of very different lives. Of a barren wife who visits a holy man and subsequently conceives-but is it a miracle or something more worldly? Of a son’s carefully laid plot to take revenge against his father’s murderer, with a surprising twist when his case comes to court. Of a daughter, persuaded by her friends to spurn an arranged marriage, whose romance ends in blackmail. Of a man’s inability to overcome the conventions of caste and go into business, which leads to his wife breaking purdah and taking control of the family. In these and in other stories, Mark Tully delicately probes the nuances of life in India.
Imprint: India Penguin
Published: Nov/2017
ISBN: 9780140179651
Length : 256 Pages
MRP : ₹350.00
Imprint: Penguin Audio
Imprint: India Penguin
Published: Nov/2017
ISBN: 9788184759068
Length : 256 Pages
MRP : ₹350.00
For more than twenty years Mark Tully was the BBC Chief of Bureau in Delhi and his name and his voice became synonymous with the country he had made his home. For years he sent back dispatches interpreting the subcontinent to the outside world, but the ‘truth’ of India is remarkably resistant to reportage. Imbued with his love for the country and informed by his vast experience, Mark Tully has woven together a series of extraordinary stories. All the stories are set in Uttar Pradesh and tell of very different lives. Of a barren wife who visits a holy man and subsequently conceives-but is it a miracle or something more worldly? Of a son’s carefully laid plot to take revenge against his father’s murderer, with a surprising twist when his case comes to court. Of a daughter, persuaded by her friends to spurn an arranged marriage, whose romance ends in blackmail. Of a man’s inability to overcome the conventions of caste and go into business, which leads to his wife breaking purdah and taking control of the family. In these and in other stories, Mark Tully delicately probes the nuances of life in India.
Mark Tullywas born in Kolkata and educated in Darjeeling and England. He wascorrespondent for the BBC in South Asia for twenty-two years and continues towrite and present the popular BBC Radio 4 programme Something Understood. He lives in New Delhi with his colleague andpartner Gillian Wright. Among the major stories he has covered are the 1971Bangladesh War, Indira Gandhi's Emergency, the execution of Zulfikar AliBhutto, the Russian occupation of Afghanistan, Operations Blue Star and BlackThunder in the Golden Temple at Amritsar, the assassinations of Indira Gandhiand Rajiv Gandhi and the destruction of the mosque at Ayodhya in 1992. Hisbooks include the highly acclaimed NoFull Stops in India, Amritsar: MrsGandhi's Last Battle, India'sUnending Journey and Non-Stop India.He has also written a second collection of short stories called Upcountry Tales.
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