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The Ghosts of Vasu Master

The Ghosts of Vasu Master

Githa Hariharan
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Paperback / Hardback

A moving tale of self-discovery, rich with fascinating stories and imaginary characters

Vasu Master, recently retired from his job in a local school, allows himself to revisit the past and imaginatively discover the nature of teaching, teacher and pupil. This process of self-discovery is speeded up by the arrival of Mani, who cannot-or will not-speak. Vasu Master tells the reticent child one fantastic story after the other as he faces up to the biggest challenge of his life: can he teach (or heal) Mani?

Using fantasy, fable and a host of wonderfully imagined characters, Githa Hariharan creates a richly textured work that eloquently explores the human condition, and the underlying principles of all human action.

Imprint: India Penguin

Published: Apr/2019

ISBN: 9780143447924

Length : 288 Pages

MRP : ₹299.00

The Ghosts of Vasu Master

Githa Hariharan

A moving tale of self-discovery, rich with fascinating stories and imaginary characters

Vasu Master, recently retired from his job in a local school, allows himself to revisit the past and imaginatively discover the nature of teaching, teacher and pupil. This process of self-discovery is speeded up by the arrival of Mani, who cannot-or will not-speak. Vasu Master tells the reticent child one fantastic story after the other as he faces up to the biggest challenge of his life: can he teach (or heal) Mani?

Using fantasy, fable and a host of wonderfully imagined characters, Githa Hariharan creates a richly textured work that eloquently explores the human condition, and the underlying principles of all human action.

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Paperback / Hardback

Githa Hariharan

Githa Hariharan has written novels, short fiction and essays over the last three decades. Her highly acclaimed works include The Thousand Faces of Night, which won the Commonwealth Writers Prize for Best First Book in 1993; the short story collection The Art of Dying; the novels The Ghosts of Vasu Master, When Dreams Travel, In Times of Siege, Fugitive Histories and I Have Become the TIde; and a collection of essays titled Almost Home: Cities and Other Places.

Hariharan has, over the years, been a cultural commentator through her essays, lectures and activism. In 1995, she challenged the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act as discriminatory against women. The case, Githa Hariharan and Another vs Reserve Bank of India and Another, led to a landmark Supreme Court judgment in 1999 on guardianship.

For more on the author and her work, see

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