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This spiritual novel written by famous writer and filmmaker Ruzbeh N. Bharucha is a gripping story told with humour, it weaves in and out of the physical and astral realms where the seeker transforms into the lover and begins to understand the ancient law of free will, the extraordinary power of human thought, choices and intent that shape our lives in both the worlds. Walking a road where we are constantly surrounded by our Guides, Guardian Angels, Masters, family and friends in the Spirit world…who enter our world through the power of prayers to guide, bless, heal and remind us that there are no separations ever. THE FAKIR reveals how complete love for the MASTER is like a mighty river of light, navigating us constantly through the turbulent waters of karma, addictions, ignorance and merging the seeker into the ocean of pure consciousness. Death is a myth. Life never ends. Ignorance does.
Imprint: India Penguin
Published: Jan/2019
ISBN: 9789353490249
Length : 208 Pages
MRP : ₹199.00
Imprint: Penguin Audio
Imprint: India Penguin
Published: Jan/2019
Length : 208 Pages
MRP : ₹199.00
This spiritual novel written by famous writer and filmmaker Ruzbeh N. Bharucha is a gripping story told with humour, it weaves in and out of the physical and astral realms where the seeker transforms into the lover and begins to understand the ancient law of free will, the extraordinary power of human thought, choices and intent that shape our lives in both the worlds. Walking a road where we are constantly surrounded by our Guides, Guardian Angels, Masters, family and friends in the Spirit world…who enter our world through the power of prayers to guide, bless, heal and remind us that there are no separations ever. THE FAKIR reveals how complete love for the MASTER is like a mighty river of light, navigating us constantly through the turbulent waters of karma, addictions, ignorance and merging the seeker into the ocean of pure consciousness. Death is a myth. Life never ends. Ignorance does.
Ruzbeh N. Bharucha is one of the most influential spiritual writers of our times. He is the author of eighteen books. A former journalist, Ruzbeh is also a documentary film-maker. He first developed an interest in journalism and writing in his last year of college, and soon began writing for various newspapers. He went on to work with Special Audience and Pune Tribune. He has written for Times of India, Indian Express, Free Press and many other media outlets.