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The Cloudfarers

The Cloudfarers

Stephen Alter
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Paperback / Hardback

‘Those footprints tell us of our origins, recalling the first Cloudfarers who came to earth, exiled from the sky.’
Paramount Academy is nothing short of a prison. As Kip comes to terms with this awful military-style school, he makes new friends who have a terrible secret: they are Cloudfarers-a lost tribe of beings from another planet, who have been exiled on earth. And they need his help to get back to their land, away from Principal Captain Lovelock, who is on to them. But time is running out . . .
Join Kip and his friends as they embark on a stormy adventure on the clouds and through dangerous cliffs and mountains to reach a safe haven.

Imprint: India Puffin

Published: Jan/2018

ISBN: 9780143442189

Length : 192 Pages

MRP : ₹199.00

The Cloudfarers

Stephen Alter

‘Those footprints tell us of our origins, recalling the first Cloudfarers who came to earth, exiled from the sky.’
Paramount Academy is nothing short of a prison. As Kip comes to terms with this awful military-style school, he makes new friends who have a terrible secret: they are Cloudfarers-a lost tribe of beings from another planet, who have been exiled on earth. And they need his help to get back to their land, away from Principal Captain Lovelock, who is on to them. But time is running out . . .
Join Kip and his friends as they embark on a stormy adventure on the clouds and through dangerous cliffs and mountains to reach a safe haven.

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Paperback / Hardback

Stephen Alter

Stephen Alter is the author of seven books of fiction and five books of non-fiction, most recently Fantasies of a Bollywood Love Thief:Inside the World of Indian moviemaking. He has co-edited (with Wimal Dissanayake) The Penguin Book of Modern Indian Short Stories. As a writer-in-residence at MIT, he received both a Guggenheim and a Fulbright fellowship.
Stephen Alter now lives and writes in India.

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