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The Clockwala’s Clues (hOle books)

The Clockwala’s Clues (hOle books)

Varsha Seshan
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Paperback / Hardback

Jasmine and Sheba want to spend the holidays finding homes for stray puppies. But to do so, they have to first solve a series of puzzles set by Sheba’s father, Clockwala Uncle. Can they do this in time?

Imprint: Duckbill

Published: Dec/2020

ISBN: 9780143451150

Length : 72 Pages

MRP : ₹175.00

The Clockwala’s Clues (hOle books)

Varsha Seshan

Jasmine and Sheba want to spend the holidays finding homes for stray puppies. But to do so, they have to first solve a series of puzzles set by Sheba’s father, Clockwala Uncle. Can they do this in time?

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback
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