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Sukh, Santushti Aur Safalata Ke Saral Niyam

Sukh, Santushti Aur Safalata Ke Saral Niyam

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There have been given in this book many unique tips, which are able to take you to heights of success. By adopting these, you can easily achieve the high of business that you want to achieve. Simple and Mandatory rules of management of employees, importance of the customer, how to get ahead in the competition, unmatched marketing and after sales service are given in this book.

Imprint: Hind Pocket Books

Published: Dec/2019

ISBN: 9789353494506

Length : 216 Pages

MRP : ₹150.00

Sukh, Santushti Aur Safalata Ke Saral Niyam


There have been given in this book many unique tips, which are able to take you to heights of success. By adopting these, you can easily achieve the high of business that you want to achieve. Simple and Mandatory rules of management of employees, importance of the customer, how to get ahead in the competition, unmatched marketing and after sales service are given in this book.

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Paperback / Hardback
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