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Sri Lanka And The Defeat Of The Ltte

Sri Lanka And The Defeat Of The Ltte

K M De Silva
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Lal Singh Dil is a legend in Punjab, famed as much for his rousing poetry as for the brew of his tea stall. Born into the ‘untouchable’ Dalit community in the years before partition, he bravely challenged deep-rooted social prejudices through his crisp and stirring verses. His struggle led him to join the Naxalite movement – an experience that culminated in three horrifying years of torture at the hands of the police. In his later years, much to the dismay of his comrades, he converted to Islam because he believed that its tenets could be reconciled with theegalitarian and inclusive principles of communism. A powerful indictment of caste violence and discrimination, Poet of the Revolution describes dil’s most turbulent years in his clear, fiery voice. Translated into English for the first time, this book also includes a selection of his most memorable poems.

Imprint: India Penguin

Published: Oct/2012


Length : Pages

MRP : ₹9.99

Sri Lanka And The Defeat Of The Ltte

K M De Silva

Lal Singh Dil is a legend in Punjab, famed as much for his rousing poetry as for the brew of his tea stall. Born into the ‘untouchable’ Dalit community in the years before partition, he bravely challenged deep-rooted social prejudices through his crisp and stirring verses. His struggle led him to join the Naxalite movement – an experience that culminated in three horrifying years of torture at the hands of the police. In his later years, much to the dismay of his comrades, he converted to Islam because he believed that its tenets could be reconciled with theegalitarian and inclusive principles of communism. A powerful indictment of caste violence and discrimination, Poet of the Revolution describes dil’s most turbulent years in his clear, fiery voice. Translated into English for the first time, this book also includes a selection of his most memorable poems.

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Paperback / Hardback
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