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This Novel by Famous novelist Shailesh Matiyani, Sarpgandha is a living depiction of today’s Indian environment. Breaking the bonds of caste system, the more comfortable it is, the harder to suffer its consequences. Sarpgandha is a successful novel from a pedagogical point of view due to its ease and interestingness.

Imprint: Hind Pocket Books

Published: Aug/2020

ISBN: 9789353497057

Length : 192 Pages

MRP : ₹175.00



This Novel by Famous novelist Shailesh Matiyani, Sarpgandha is a living depiction of today’s Indian environment. Breaking the bonds of caste system, the more comfortable it is, the harder to suffer its consequences. Sarpgandha is a successful novel from a pedagogical point of view due to its ease and interestingness.

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Paperback / Hardback
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