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Rebellion in Ranchi (Songs of Freedom Series)

Rebellion in Ranchi (Songs of Freedom Series)

Set in 1915, Ranchi | Explores the Non-Violent Tana Bhagat Movement | Ages 10+

Swati Sengupta
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Ranchi district, 1915

Sibu’s life is changing as the Oraons who live in the forests of Chota Nagpur, are slowly moving to the Tana Bhagat movement, where they begin to protest the injustices that the zamindars and the British Raj perpetrate on the Adivasis. And by stories of German Baba, who will help defeat the British in the Great War and bring freedom to the Oraons and to India.

Yet, though the Tana Bhagats follow the path of non-violence, violence is rearing its head in the world around them . . .

The Songs of Freedom series explores the lives of children across India during the struggle for independence.

Imprint: Duckbill

Published: Jul/2024

ISBN: 9780143462392

Length : 120 Pages

MRP : ₹250.00

Rebellion in Ranchi (Songs of Freedom Series)

Set in 1915, Ranchi | Explores the Non-Violent Tana Bhagat Movement | Ages 10+

Swati Sengupta

Ranchi district, 1915

Sibu’s life is changing as the Oraons who live in the forests of Chota Nagpur, are slowly moving to the Tana Bhagat movement, where they begin to protest the injustices that the zamindars and the British Raj perpetrate on the Adivasis. And by stories of German Baba, who will help defeat the British in the Great War and bring freedom to the Oraons and to India.

Yet, though the Tana Bhagats follow the path of non-violence, violence is rearing its head in the world around them . . .

The Songs of Freedom series explores the lives of children across India during the struggle for independence.

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Paperback / Hardback

Swati Sengupta

Swati Sengupta is an author and gender rights educator. Her books include Guns On My Red Earth, Half the Field Is Mine, Out of War, the Incredible Life series of biographies for young readers, Murder in the City (translation), The Talking Bird and A Tea Garden Party. She runs a gender workshop series for the young called ‘The Elephant in the Room’. Swati has worked for over two decades with leading newspapers in India. She loves tea, lives in Kolkata and is bewitched by Darjeeling.

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