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Reading Sri Aurobindo

Reading Sri Aurobindo

Gautam Chikermane
Devdip Ganguli
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Sri Aurobindo dedicated his life to the transformation of humanity. His journey saw him traverse many paths, including that of poet, journalist, jailed revolutionary, philosopher, and radical mystic. Essays, translations, literary criticism, political articles, philosophical treatises, poetry, epics, plays and short stories-his writings encompass the depth and range of his extraordinary life. The modern sage commented on spiritual texts such as the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Bhagwad Gita, authored an epic poem, Savitri, presented his integral vision in The Life Divine, wrote on contemporary issues, all the while writing thousands of letters to guide his disciples, and even documenting his inner life in meticulous detail.

The relevance of Sri Aurobindo’s message has never been more urgent and compelling, yet, his Complete Works, thirty-six volumes in all, can be a daunting prospect even for those acquainted with his philosophy and practice. Reading Sri Aurobindo introduces each of these volumes through the perspectives of twenty-one contributors. The result is a book packed with insights inviting us to explore Sri Aurobindo’s deep wisdom and vision for resolving the fundamental issues facing individuals, societies, and nations today.

Imprint: Ebury Press

Published: Aug/2022

ISBN: 9780670097036

Length : 304 Pages

MRP : ₹599.00

Reading Sri Aurobindo

Gautam Chikermane
Devdip Ganguli

Sri Aurobindo dedicated his life to the transformation of humanity. His journey saw him traverse many paths, including that of poet, journalist, jailed revolutionary, philosopher, and radical mystic. Essays, translations, literary criticism, political articles, philosophical treatises, poetry, epics, plays and short stories-his writings encompass the depth and range of his extraordinary life. The modern sage commented on spiritual texts such as the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Bhagwad Gita, authored an epic poem, Savitri, presented his integral vision in The Life Divine, wrote on contemporary issues, all the while writing thousands of letters to guide his disciples, and even documenting his inner life in meticulous detail.

The relevance of Sri Aurobindo’s message has never been more urgent and compelling, yet, his Complete Works, thirty-six volumes in all, can be a daunting prospect even for those acquainted with his philosophy and practice. Reading Sri Aurobindo introduces each of these volumes through the perspectives of twenty-one contributors. The result is a book packed with insights inviting us to explore Sri Aurobindo’s deep wisdom and vision for resolving the fundamental issues facing individuals, societies, and nations today.

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Paperback / Hardback

Gautam Chikermane

Gautam Chikermane is a writer and the vice president at Observer Research Foundation (ORF). His areas of research are economics, politics and foreign affairs. His last book was 70 Policies that Shaped India (ORF, 2018). Earlier, he has held leadership positions in some of India's top newspapers and magazines, including Hindustan Times, Indian Express and Financial Express. He serves as a director on the board of CARE India, was the new media director at Reliance Industries Ltd, and vice chairman on the board of Financial Planning Standards Board India. A Jefferson Fellow (Fall 2001), he is a student of Sri Aurobindo, the Mahabharata and dhrupad music.

Devdip Ganguli

Devdip Ganguli teaches undergraduate students at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, Pondicherry, where he offers courses on the social and political philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, as well as on ancient Indian history, art and culture. He is frequently invited to speak in universities in India and abroad on topics related to Sri Aurobindo's writings.
He also works in one of the administrative departments of Sri Aurobindo Ashram.

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