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Rabbit Rap

Rabbit Rap

A Fable For The 21st Century

Farooqi Musharraf Ali; Farooqi Michelle
Musharraf Ali Farooqi (Illus Michelle Farooqi)
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Paperback / Hardback

In an age when rabbits live in happy freedom from their natural predators and are busy violently taming Nature, some of them seek to do away with warren dwelling, and liberate themselves from the old ways. They find a true believer in Rabbit Hab, an enterprising head rabbit. As the ambitious Hab presses forward with his futuristic vision, he must contend with opposition, sabotage, and dirty double-dealing from some unlikely quarters.

Imprint: India Viking

Published: Jul/2012

ISBN: 9780670086405

Length : 304 Pages

MRP : ₹499.00

Rabbit Rap

A Fable For The 21st Century

Farooqi Musharraf Ali; Farooqi Michelle
Musharraf Ali Farooqi (Illus Michelle Farooqi)

In an age when rabbits live in happy freedom from their natural predators and are busy violently taming Nature, some of them seek to do away with warren dwelling, and liberate themselves from the old ways. They find a true believer in Rabbit Hab, an enterprising head rabbit. As the ambitious Hab presses forward with his futuristic vision, he must contend with opposition, sabotage, and dirty double-dealing from some unlikely quarters.

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Paperback / Hardback
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