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Power of Love

Power of Love

Unforgettable Stories that Enrich and Inspire

Athanasius Yohan I
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His Holiness The Dalai Lama said, ‘My religion is kindness.’ Sounds so simple, yet so profound. Do we not read in the Bible, ‘God is love’? And all of God’s revelation is summed up in this: ‘Love God and love others.’
Regardless of caste, creed, nationality, colour of skin and religion, we are all created by God, and one of the reflections of that is love and kindness.
We are living in the ice age of emotions. Believe it or not, the number one killer in this generation is loneliness. Why do millions die of starvation? In part, because love and kindness have been dying in the human heart, with selfishness and greed taking over.
Think about it, the world is full of pain, violence, devastation, yet we can go on because there are some who are kind and compassionate.
This collection of short stories, written by Athanasius Yohan I, tales from his encounters with people where small acts of kindness and goodwill have made changes in people’s lives.
A perfect read for those who yearn to experience the beauty of life and love.

Imprint: India Penguin Enterprise

Published: Apr/2021

ISBN: 9780670095438

Length : 272 Pages

MRP : ₹299.00

Power of Love

Unforgettable Stories that Enrich and Inspire

Athanasius Yohan I

His Holiness The Dalai Lama said, ‘My religion is kindness.’ Sounds so simple, yet so profound. Do we not read in the Bible, ‘God is love’? And all of God’s revelation is summed up in this: ‘Love God and love others.’
Regardless of caste, creed, nationality, colour of skin and religion, we are all created by God, and one of the reflections of that is love and kindness.
We are living in the ice age of emotions. Believe it or not, the number one killer in this generation is loneliness. Why do millions die of starvation? In part, because love and kindness have been dying in the human heart, with selfishness and greed taking over.
Think about it, the world is full of pain, violence, devastation, yet we can go on because there are some who are kind and compassionate.
This collection of short stories, written by Athanasius Yohan I, tales from his encounters with people where small acts of kindness and goodwill have made changes in people’s lives.
A perfect read for those who yearn to experience the beauty of life and love.

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Paperback / Hardback
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