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Off to West Bengal (Discover India)

Off to West Bengal (Discover India)

Sonia Mehta
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Paperback / Hardback

Get set to discover West Bengal
Daadu Dolma, Mishki and Pushka are going to discover everything about West Bengal. They are going to learn the language, experience the culture, dance during Pujo, meet famous Bengali folks and eat the yummiest sweets.
So keep your bags ready as you set out to join them on this wonderful trip!

Imprint: India Puffin

Published: Jul/2017

ISBN: 9780143440765

Length : 64 Pages

MRP : ₹199.00

Off to West Bengal (Discover India)

Sonia Mehta

Get set to discover West Bengal
Daadu Dolma, Mishki and Pushka are going to discover everything about West Bengal. They are going to learn the language, experience the culture, dance during Pujo, meet famous Bengali folks and eat the yummiest sweets.
So keep your bags ready as you set out to join them on this wonderful trip!

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback
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