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Night Train At Deoli And Other Stories (30 Most Fascinating Short Stories by Award-winning Author Ruskin Bond. A must-read book)

Night Train At Deoli And Other Stories (30 Most Fascinating Short Stories by Award-winning Author Ruskin Bond. A must-read book)

Ruskin Bond
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The Night Train at Deoli and Other Stories is adorned with 30 most beautiful stories from Ruskin Bond. It effortlessly makes in to the must-have, must-read list of every reader. Simple, heart-warming and thought-provoking stories will take you to heavenly grounds of Dehradun and Mussoorie, where the author himself has spent his childhood and teenage years. The stories in the book speak of simple folk, who live in the technology untouched valleys and hills, the lush greenery and little crowded markets.

The book is sure to feel you connected with the Ruskin Bond’s idea of beauty, his anguish, joy and pain. His ‘Night Train at Deoli’ offers you a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life and fills you with serenity as you learn about the beauty in simplest pleasures. A book filled with small doses of heart melting stories-a book that’s loved, admired, recommended and treasured by many.

Imprint: India Penguin

Published: Apr/2016

ISBN: 9780140116151

Length : 246 Pages

MRP : ₹299.00

Night Train At Deoli And Other Stories (30 Most Fascinating Short Stories by Award-winning Author Ruskin Bond. A must-read book)

Ruskin Bond

The Night Train at Deoli and Other Stories is adorned with 30 most beautiful stories from Ruskin Bond. It effortlessly makes in to the must-have, must-read list of every reader. Simple, heart-warming and thought-provoking stories will take you to heavenly grounds of Dehradun and Mussoorie, where the author himself has spent his childhood and teenage years. The stories in the book speak of simple folk, who live in the technology untouched valleys and hills, the lush greenery and little crowded markets.

The book is sure to feel you connected with the Ruskin Bond’s idea of beauty, his anguish, joy and pain. His ‘Night Train at Deoli’ offers you a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life and fills you with serenity as you learn about the beauty in simplest pleasures. A book filled with small doses of heart melting stories-a book that’s loved, admired, recommended and treasured by many.

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback
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