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Mission Moon

Mission Moon

Exploring The Moon With Chandrayaan 1

S K Das
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Place: the MoonLocation: 380,000 kms from planet EarthEnvironment: HarshNeed for Study: ImmenseMan has gazed at the Moon, wondered about it and studied it for centuries. Yet, many aspects about Earth’s satellite remain unknown, and With an can keep scientists busy for years. In this book, S.K. Das sets out to explain some of them.How was the moon formed?Is the moon just a barren, rocky piece of land?Does it contain minerals that humans can use in the future?What does the dark side of the moon look like?India’s maiden moon mission, Chandrayaan 1, set out to find the answers to some of these questions, among others. How did the Indian Space Research Organization go about planning for the mission; why did India need to go to the moon; are there going to be more space explorations by Indian scientists?Mission Moon is filled with lively descriptions of many little known facts and myths about the Moon. It also includes details of the Chandrayaan 1 project, including the recent, exciting discovery of water made on the Moon. Accompanied by photos from Chandrayaan 1’s cameras, this book is for all young space enthusiasts and avid star gazers.

Imprint: India Puffin

Published: Feb/2010

ISBN: 9780143331308

Length : 128 Pages

MRP : ₹199.00

Mission Moon

Exploring The Moon With Chandrayaan 1

S K Das

Place: the MoonLocation: 380,000 kms from planet EarthEnvironment: HarshNeed for Study: ImmenseMan has gazed at the Moon, wondered about it and studied it for centuries. Yet, many aspects about Earth’s satellite remain unknown, and With an can keep scientists busy for years. In this book, S.K. Das sets out to explain some of them.How was the moon formed?Is the moon just a barren, rocky piece of land?Does it contain minerals that humans can use in the future?What does the dark side of the moon look like?India’s maiden moon mission, Chandrayaan 1, set out to find the answers to some of these questions, among others. How did the Indian Space Research Organization go about planning for the mission; why did India need to go to the moon; are there going to be more space explorations by Indian scientists?Mission Moon is filled with lively descriptions of many little known facts and myths about the Moon. It also includes details of the Chandrayaan 1 project, including the recent, exciting discovery of water made on the Moon. Accompanied by photos from Chandrayaan 1’s cameras, this book is for all young space enthusiasts and avid star gazers.

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Paperback / Hardback
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