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Clyde DeSouza
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Paperback / Hardback

Sometimes you lose what is real. But . . .
Dan and Krish have invented a gadget that they know will change the way augmented reality is perceived. When the gadget is still in its trial phase, an accident kills Krish’s sister, Maya. Little does he know that Dan and Maya were deeply in love. For both, the pain of her loss is intense, but Dan will not accept losing Maya, and challenges the powers that be that took her away. He sets about creating something unique that he knows will fulfil Maya’s dream of becoming a dancer and also satisfy his need to be with her. But is it the right thing to do?
Maya is set in a world between reality and virtual reality, and explores human relationships through its lens

Imprint: India Penguin Metro Reads

Published: Mar/2015

ISBN: 9780143423461

Length : 224 Pages

MRP : ₹250.00


Clyde DeSouza

Sometimes you lose what is real. But . . .
Dan and Krish have invented a gadget that they know will change the way augmented reality is perceived. When the gadget is still in its trial phase, an accident kills Krish’s sister, Maya. Little does he know that Dan and Maya were deeply in love. For both, the pain of her loss is intense, but Dan will not accept losing Maya, and challenges the powers that be that took her away. He sets about creating something unique that he knows will fulfil Maya’s dream of becoming a dancer and also satisfy his need to be with her. But is it the right thing to do?
Maya is set in a world between reality and virtual reality, and explores human relationships through its lens

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Paperback / Hardback

Clyde DeSouza

Clyde DeSouza is a creative technology evangelist. Raised in different parts of the world, he is at ease in multicultural enviornments and loves interacting with people from diverse backgrounds, believing that holding on to tradition is overrated, and a border - less, technology - driven world is the future. His first book, Think in 3D, has been seen on a growing number of film sets and is used as prep - reading by dirctors and cinematographers.

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