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Make It Or Break It

Make It Or Break It

The Real Dos And Don’ts For A Successful Career

Partha Basu
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Paperback / Hardback

The corporate world can be ruthless with its unwritten rules and hidden pitfalls. To succeed, it is crucial to learn the tricks of survival quickly. Make It or Break It is an indispensible guide to imbibing these skills early on in one’s career. Packed with important life lessons, it shows you how to get started on the right foot and emerge a winner.

Imprint: Penguin

Published: Nov/2012


Length : Pages

MRP : ₹8.99

Make It Or Break It

The Real Dos And Don’ts For A Successful Career

Partha Basu

The corporate world can be ruthless with its unwritten rules and hidden pitfalls. To succeed, it is crucial to learn the tricks of survival quickly. Make It or Break It is an indispensible guide to imbibing these skills early on in one’s career. Packed with important life lessons, it shows you how to get started on the right foot and emerge a winner.

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback
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