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Main Apradhi Janm Ka

Main Apradhi Janm Ka

Surendra Mohan Pathak
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Paperback / Hardback

He’s not a man if gets scared of the bloody view in front of him
It is necessary to live in that condition, which is difficult to live in.
‘Time helps forget the greatest sorrows.
If it is not so, it will become hell to live,
And every person a living dead,
So, don’t forget that you are Sohal,
That Sohal,
Whose name is enough to frighten the enemies,
when you are in front of them,
they hold their breaths,
Because they do not know,
whether they will survive the next moment or not.’

Imprint: Hind Pocket Books

Published: Apr/2021

ISBN: 9780143453642

Length : 384 Pages

MRP : ₹175.00

Main Apradhi Janm Ka

Surendra Mohan Pathak

He’s not a man if gets scared of the bloody view in front of him
It is necessary to live in that condition, which is difficult to live in.
‘Time helps forget the greatest sorrows.
If it is not so, it will become hell to live,
And every person a living dead,
So, don’t forget that you are Sohal,
That Sohal,
Whose name is enough to frighten the enemies,
when you are in front of them,
they hold their breaths,
Because they do not know,
whether they will survive the next moment or not.’

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Paperback / Hardback
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