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Longevity for Cats: A Holistic, Individualized Approach to Helping Your Feline Friend Live Longer and Healthier

Longevity for Cats: A Holistic, Individualized Approach to Helping Your Feline Friend Live Longer and Healthier

Gary Richter MS DVM
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Learn the cutting-edge science of longevity and the best of integrative veterinary care to achieve a longer, happier life for your cat.

Recent advances in longevity science have shed light on the causes of aging and how we can intervene to help our cats live longer, healthier lives than ever before. America’s Favorite Veterinarian, Dr. Gary Richter, guides the reader through everything you can do to increase both life span and “health span” for your pet, from the kitten stage to geriatric and end-of-life care. You’ll understand how to make the best choices for your unique cat, using diagnostic tests, personalized diet and exercise plans, supplements, herbs, pharmaceuticals, and high-tech regenerative medicine.

Imprint: Hay House Publishers India

Published: Feb/2024

ISBN: 9788119554935

Length : 256 Pages

MRP : ₹399.00

Longevity for Cats: A Holistic, Individualized Approach to Helping Your Feline Friend Live Longer and Healthier

Gary Richter MS DVM

Learn the cutting-edge science of longevity and the best of integrative veterinary care to achieve a longer, happier life for your cat.

Recent advances in longevity science have shed light on the causes of aging and how we can intervene to help our cats live longer, healthier lives than ever before. America’s Favorite Veterinarian, Dr. Gary Richter, guides the reader through everything you can do to increase both life span and “health span” for your pet, from the kitten stage to geriatric and end-of-life care. You’ll understand how to make the best choices for your unique cat, using diagnostic tests, personalized diet and exercise plans, supplements, herbs, pharmaceuticals, and high-tech regenerative medicine.

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Paperback / Hardback
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