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Little Jagadish and the Great Experiment

Little Jagadish and the Great Experiment

Anjali Joshi
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Paperback / Hardback

When young Jagadish realizes that the world is full of unanswered questions, he sets out to explore and discover the world around him using the scientific method. Inspired by the life and work of Indian physicist, botanist, and author Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose, this story encourages young readers to embrace their curiosity and unleash their inner scientist.

Imprint: India Puffin

Published: Apr/2022

ISBN: 9780143455332

Length : 40 Pages

MRP : ₹299.00

Little Jagadish and the Great Experiment

Anjali Joshi

When young Jagadish realizes that the world is full of unanswered questions, he sets out to explore and discover the world around him using the scientific method. Inspired by the life and work of Indian physicist, botanist, and author Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose, this story encourages young readers to embrace their curiosity and unleash their inner scientist.

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Paperback / Hardback
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