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Listen to the Whispers

Listen to the Whispers

Trishla Jain (Illus by Kirstin Eggers)
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Paperback / Hardback

You are more than you think you are.
More than a girl or a boy. More than your name.
More than the number of years you have lived.

This beautifully realized picture book on living mindfully offers answers to questions such as Who am I? and Why am I here? With intricate illustrations and easy-to-follow text, take your young ones on a journey to unleash the potential hidden within and teach them to never stop reaching for the stars. As they run with the tigers and dance with the wolves in Listen to the Whispers, let them explore the majesty of the earth and recognize how magnificent they are!

Imprint: India Puffin

Published: Sep/2019

ISBN: 9780143447894

Length : 44 Pages

MRP : ₹350.00

Listen to the Whispers

Trishla Jain (Illus by Kirstin Eggers)

You are more than you think you are.
More than a girl or a boy. More than your name.
More than the number of years you have lived.

This beautifully realized picture book on living mindfully offers answers to questions such as Who am I? and Why am I here? With intricate illustrations and easy-to-follow text, take your young ones on a journey to unleash the potential hidden within and teach them to never stop reaching for the stars. As they run with the tigers and dance with the wolves in Listen to the Whispers, let them explore the majesty of the earth and recognize how magnificent they are!

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback
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