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Life Lessons : A University

Life Lessons : A University

(Penguin Petit)

Milind Khandekar
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Harsh Bhaskar didn’t come from a family where formal schooling was a given, but today he is the proud owner of Kota Tutorials, a coaching programme whose rigorous and comprehensive approach to education enables students to get into the most prestigious universities.
Bhaskar himself went to IIT Roorkee and hates the idea that somehow reservation equals a degree—it doesn’t matter in the examinations you must take, and Dalit students usually have to face discrimination in an IIT as their classes are held separately and their answer sheets marked far more rigorously. He refuses, however, to be defined by discriminatory ideas, and is focused on building an educational institution to rival any university—the first Dalit to do so. His real aim is to shape students into good human beings; jobs will follow naturally.
Read on about this fiercely unapologetic businessman whose no-nonsense attitude is building an empire of minds that can change the world.

Imprint: Penguin

Published: Jul/2017

Length : 10 Pages

MRP : ₹15.00

Life Lessons : A University

(Penguin Petit)

Milind Khandekar

Harsh Bhaskar didn’t come from a family where formal schooling was a given, but today he is the proud owner of Kota Tutorials, a coaching programme whose rigorous and comprehensive approach to education enables students to get into the most prestigious universities.
Bhaskar himself went to IIT Roorkee and hates the idea that somehow reservation equals a degree—it doesn’t matter in the examinations you must take, and Dalit students usually have to face discrimination in an IIT as their classes are held separately and their answer sheets marked far more rigorously. He refuses, however, to be defined by discriminatory ideas, and is focused on building an educational institution to rival any university—the first Dalit to do so. His real aim is to shape students into good human beings; jobs will follow naturally.
Read on about this fiercely unapologetic businessman whose no-nonsense attitude is building an empire of minds that can change the world.

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Paperback / Hardback
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