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Let’s Go Time Travelling

Let’s Go Time Travelling

Life in India, Through the Ages

Subhadra Sen Gupta
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Was king Ashoka fond of chewing paan?
Mulligatawny was a soup, but what was pish-pash?
Did they design jewellery in Harappa?Who played pachisi, chaupar and lam turki?

Find the answers to all these weird, impossible question in this fascinating book about how people lived in the past. Go time travelling through the alleys of history and take a tour through the various ages-from Harappa to the Mauryan, Mughal to the British. Through short snapshots and wacky trivia, this book gives you a glimpse into the vibrant culture of India, as you learn about the life and times of kings, queens, viceroys and even ordinary children!

Spend a day with Urpi as she tries selling pottery in exchange for a few beads at Mohen-jo-daro; step back into King Ashoka’s kingdom where Madhura prepares to be a warrior; watch Adil harbour hopes of becoming a khansama in British India.

Imprint: India Puffin

Published: Sep/2012

ISBN: 9780143331919

Length : 142 Pages

MRP : ₹199.00

Let’s Go Time Travelling

Life in India, Through the Ages

Subhadra Sen Gupta

Was king Ashoka fond of chewing paan?
Mulligatawny was a soup, but what was pish-pash?
Did they design jewellery in Harappa?Who played pachisi, chaupar and lam turki?

Find the answers to all these weird, impossible question in this fascinating book about how people lived in the past. Go time travelling through the alleys of history and take a tour through the various ages-from Harappa to the Mauryan, Mughal to the British. Through short snapshots and wacky trivia, this book gives you a glimpse into the vibrant culture of India, as you learn about the life and times of kings, queens, viceroys and even ordinary children!

Spend a day with Urpi as she tries selling pottery in exchange for a few beads at Mohen-jo-daro; step back into King Ashoka’s kingdom where Madhura prepares to be a warrior; watch Adil harbour hopes of becoming a khansama in British India.

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback
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