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Leapfrog   – Six Practices to Thrive

Leapfrog – Six Practices to Thrive

Leapfrog book | A Self help book to help you find success at the workplace

Mukesh Sud
Priyank Narayan
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Are maestros born or made?
By making ideas mate, can you create new ones?
How do you develop a mindset that helps you thrive?
Can you nudge yourself into being more productive at work?
Is it possible for you to debunk bullshit from the clutter all around?

Find the answers to these questions and several more in Leapfrog

Leapfrog-in the context of thriving at work-is a scenario when a new entrant outperforms others. How do they achieve this? Are high performers born or made? Is there a way to nudge yourself into being more successful at work and also in life? With its six evidence-based insights, this book is poised to help you to advance your career at an incredible pace.

To begin with, the first step is to develop grit along with the ability to embrace boredom. The second practice, leaning on behavioral economics, focusses on nudging yourself to make better choices. The third practice is about being intellectually humble by accepting limits to what you know. The chapter on dancing with disciplines celebrates the magic of ideas colliding to create new ones. In a world full of noise and bullshit, you will need to curate choices to maintain a focus on what is relevant to you. The last practice helps you think like an entrepreneur and develop the ability to ask for what you want.

Based on their extensive experience of teaching and mentoring students, the authors have developed a framework called the Personal Journey Map (PJM), which will help you imbibe and implement the six practices by capturing your current repertoire, scanning the landscape ahead, and curating a path to a career in which you can prosper.

Imprint: India Penguin

Published: Sep/2024

ISBN: 9780143463177

Length : 256 Pages

MRP : ₹299.00

Leapfrog – Six Practices to Thrive

Leapfrog book | A Self help book to help you find success at the workplace

Mukesh Sud
Priyank Narayan

Are maestros born or made?
By making ideas mate, can you create new ones?
How do you develop a mindset that helps you thrive?
Can you nudge yourself into being more productive at work?
Is it possible for you to debunk bullshit from the clutter all around?

Find the answers to these questions and several more in Leapfrog

Leapfrog-in the context of thriving at work-is a scenario when a new entrant outperforms others. How do they achieve this? Are high performers born or made? Is there a way to nudge yourself into being more successful at work and also in life? With its six evidence-based insights, this book is poised to help you to advance your career at an incredible pace.

To begin with, the first step is to develop grit along with the ability to embrace boredom. The second practice, leaning on behavioral economics, focusses on nudging yourself to make better choices. The third practice is about being intellectually humble by accepting limits to what you know. The chapter on dancing with disciplines celebrates the magic of ideas colliding to create new ones. In a world full of noise and bullshit, you will need to curate choices to maintain a focus on what is relevant to you. The last practice helps you think like an entrepreneur and develop the ability to ask for what you want.

Based on their extensive experience of teaching and mentoring students, the authors have developed a framework called the Personal Journey Map (PJM), which will help you imbibe and implement the six practices by capturing your current repertoire, scanning the landscape ahead, and curating a path to a career in which you can prosper.

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Paperback / Hardback
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