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Leaders in the Making includes in-depth interviews of thirty HR leaders, drawn from public as well as private sectors. These life stories provide highlights of their early childhood, education and career over the years, and touch upon the inflexion points in these leaders’ lives, their major influences and the lessons they learnt to become who they are. The authors provide an analysis of these thirty stories to establish a pattern of the life journeys, competencies and values these leaders displayed.
The book has excellent lessons for parents, heads of schools and colleges, teachers, managers, HR leaders, CXOs and CEOs. It also includes self-help tools to assess competencies, values and the careers of readers so that they can plan for self-development.
Imprint: Penguin Business
Published: Dec/2022
ISBN: 9780143459972
Length : 480 Pages
MRP : ₹599.00
Imprint: Penguin Audio
Published: Apr/2023
ISBN: 9789354929458
Run time : 1206 mins
Imprint: Penguin Business
Published: Dec/2022
Length : 480 Pages
MRP : ₹599.00
Leaders in the Making includes in-depth interviews of thirty HR leaders, drawn from public as well as private sectors. These life stories provide highlights of their early childhood, education and career over the years, and touch upon the inflexion points in these leaders’ lives, their major influences and the lessons they learnt to become who they are. The authors provide an analysis of these thirty stories to establish a pattern of the life journeys, competencies and values these leaders displayed.
The book has excellent lessons for parents, heads of schools and colleges, teachers, managers, HR leaders, CXOs and CEOs. It also includes self-help tools to assess competencies, values and the careers of readers so that they can plan for self-development.
Arvind N. Agrawal, managing partner, Lead Associates, is an executive coach and a consultant with extensive corporate experience, having held senior positions in leading organizations like RPG Group, Escorts Construction Equipment and Escorts JCB. He was awarded the National HRD Award in 1992. He served as the national president of the National HRD Network from 2000 to 2002 and received the Lifetime Achievement Award by Businessworld HR Excellence Summit and Awards in 2021.
Dr T.V. Rao is considered to be the father of HRD in India. He is a teacher, social entrepreneur and institution builder. Born in rural India, he was brought up by his mother and grandparents. He got a degree in BSc from Andhra Loyola College; BEd from Regional College of Education, Mysore; MA in psychology from Osmania University; and PhD from Sardar Patel University. He is associated with pioneering the departments of psychology at the Andhra and Udaipur universities and the Education and Training Department at the National Institute of Health Administration and Education, New Delhi. He joined Indian Institute of Management (IIMA) in 1973 and taught until 1994 as a full-time professor and subsequently as a visiting/ adjunct professor until 2014. He is currently a member of the IIMA Society and on the board of governors of the institute. Dr Rao founded the National HRD Network and the Academy of HRD, both renowned institutions in HRD. He has authored around sixty books including Managers Who Make a Difference published by Random House. He has two daughters and a son and lives in Ahmedabad with his wife and son.
September is here, summer is ending and hopefully, any day now, you’ll wake up to a pleasant breeze. Days would no longer seem like they’re melting away, they would whistle through your hair instead. All plants and flowers and trees would nod in unison when you look at them and there’ll be something in the […]