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Lakshya Prapti

Lakshya Prapti

Dr. Ven Diyar
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Paperback / Hardback

It is given in this book inspirational thoughts to achieve moto in life and all around editorial. Motivations have also given with short stories. It is Hindi translation of International bestsellers book The Shift.

Imprint: Hind Pocket Books

Published: Jul/2019

ISBN: 9789353492786

Length : 146 Pages

MRP : ₹150.00

Lakshya Prapti

Dr. Ven Diyar

It is given in this book inspirational thoughts to achieve moto in life and all around editorial. Motivations have also given with short stories. It is Hindi translation of International bestsellers book The Shift.

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback
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