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Try as you may, you won’t get the answer because we’re guys and we come from Mars where it’s an alien-eat-alien world. Most of the time we’re confused as heck and need a girl to set us straight but all the other times we pretty much know what we want. The same way how we can’t figure you lot out and why you need so many pairs of shoes, we too can be hard nuts (all puns intended) to crack. Girls rule. That’s a fact no guy can deny. That said, there are a few things about you that drive us crazy and make us go running across continents and enroll into witness protection programmes to get as far away from you as possible.
Here’s a book that’ll help you if not figure us out, save you from a few nasty dates and know when to run screaming, because at the end of the day boys will be boys.
Imprint: Ebury Press
Published: Jul/2014
ISBN: 9788184004410
Length : 208 Pages
MRP : ₹250.00
Imprint: Penguin Audio
Imprint: Ebury Press
Published: Jul/2014
ISBN: 9788184006322
Length : 208 Pages
MRP : ₹250.00
Try as you may, you won’t get the answer because we’re guys and we come from Mars where it’s an alien-eat-alien world. Most of the time we’re confused as heck and need a girl to set us straight but all the other times we pretty much know what we want. The same way how we can’t figure you lot out and why you need so many pairs of shoes, we too can be hard nuts (all puns intended) to crack. Girls rule. That’s a fact no guy can deny. That said, there are a few things about you that drive us crazy and make us go running across continents and enroll into witness protection programmes to get as far away from you as possible.
Here’s a book that’ll help you if not figure us out, save you from a few nasty dates and know when to run screaming, because at the end of the day boys will be boys.
José Covaco is a man and therefore nothing he says should be believed. If what he does can be described as 'work', then he has worked at 93.5 Red FM and MTV. He wrote this book not only for the betterment of man and womankind, but also because it wouldn't fit into a tweet. For more truthful insights into the minds of men, talk to one. Or you can look for the podcast José does with Suresh Menon-it's called Kaanmasti.